§ 151.25 DEMOLITION.
   (A)   Application. Each person intending to demolish a structure larger than 100 square feet in floor area and within the Historic District shall file a certificate of appropriateness application with the Building Official or Board Secretary. The application shall be on a form provided by the city.
   (B)   Notice of demolition request. An application for a certificate of appropriateness to demolish a structure larger than 200 square feet in ground area and within the Historic District shall require a public notice of the meeting to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the city with the notice to state the time and place of the meeting, the purpose of the meeting and a brief description of property or properties under consideration at such meeting. The notice shall be published at least 15 but not more than 30 days prior to the hearing. Notice shall also be mailed at least 15 but not more than 30 days before the date of the hearing to all owners of property within 250 feet excluding public streets, roads or alleys, of the property affected by the demolition request.
   (C)   Filing fee required. An application for the demolition of a structure in the Historic District shall be accompanied by a filing fee as established by the City Council.
   (D)   Public meetings. All meetings shall be open to the public at which time a public hearing will be held regarding the properties under consideration. Consistent with city ordinances and state statutes the HPC may adopt rules and regulations to govern the procedures of such meetings and the proper administration and enforcement of its duties pursuant to this section.
   (E)   Demolition of a non-historic structure. Approval of an application for a certificate of appropriateness to demolish a non-contributing structure within the Historic District shall be at the discretion of the Planning Department and approved by the Mayor. The structure in question shall be, without a reasonable doubt, built after 1930 as determined by the Planning Department. All supporting evidence shall be reviewed by the Planning Department and Mayor before approval. If the date of construction cannot be determined, the certificate of appropriateness shall be reviewed by the HPC as stated in § 151.24(B)(1) through (B)(4).
(Ord. O-97-01, passed 1-27-97; Am. Ord. O-06-23, passed 8-14-06; Am. Ord. O.18.17, passed 11-13-18; Am. Ord. O.21.11, passed 6-28-21; Am. Ord. O.23.07, passed 4-24-23)