Article 1: General
3.100 Building permits
3.101 Certificate of occupancy
Article 2: Ordinance Interpretation
3.200 Request for interpretation
3.201 Appeal of interpretation by the zoning administrative official
3.202 Board of adjustment action
Article 3: Special Exceptions
3.300 Application required
3.301 Fee required
3.302 Notice
3.303 Board of adjustment action
3.304 Appeal
3.305 Limitation on reapplication
3.306 Expiration of special exception
Article 4: Variances
3.400 Application required
3.401 Fee required
3.402 Notice
3.403 Board of adjustment action
3.404 Expiration of variance
3.405 Appeal
3.406 Limitation on reapplication
Article 5: Text or Map Amendment (Rezoning)
3.500 Application required
3.501 Fee required
3.502 Notice
3.503 Zoning commission public hearing and recommendation
3.504 City council hearing and action
3.505 Withdrawal and reapplication
3.506 Limitation on reapplication
Article 6: Other Review Procedures
3.600 Designation of “PD,” “CD,” “HSE,” “HC” and “DD” districts
All applications for building permits shall be accompanied by a drawing or plat, in duplicate, showing the lot plan, the location of the building on the lot, accurate dimensions of building and lot and such other information as may be necessary to provide for the enforcement of these regulations. A record of the original copy of such applications and plats shall be kept in the planning and development department and the duplicate copy shall be at the building at all times during construction.
(Ord. 13896, passed 10-12-1999; Ord. 17522, § 5, passed 4-24-2007)
No vacant land shall be occupied or used, except for agricultural uses, and no building hereafter erected, reconstructed, altered or enlarged shall be occupied or used until a certificate of occupancy shall have been issued by the planning and development department in accordance with the building code.
(Ord. 13896, passed 10-12-1999; Ord. 17522, § 5, passed 4-24-2007)