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   (a)   A special exception shall expire and have no further effect 180 days after the board of adjustment approval, or at such alternative time as specified in the approval, unless:
      (1)   A building permit has been issued;
      (2)   A certificate of occupancy has been issued; or
      (3)   The development services director grants a one-time extension for a maximum of 180 days upon written request of the applicant prior to the original expiration date.
   (b)   Any special exception granted by the board of adjustment shall terminate automatically when the period of use specified in the board of adjustment's order has expired, or when the use ceases to be in full compliance with any condition imposed by the board of adjustment.
(Ord. 23566-02-2019, § 1, passed 2-5-2019, eff. 5-28-2019; Ord. 24030-02-2020, § 22, passed 2-4-2020)