§ 30.22 POLICY.
   (A)   Benefits of electronic participation. Because from time to time members may not be available to physically attend and participate in meetings of the Town Council; because it is necessary for the Town Council to conduct business regularly and as efficiently as possible; because technology has advanced to facilitate, as a practical matter, electronic participation in Town Council meetings; the Town Council hereby recognizes the benefits of electronic participation as a way to conduct its business and encourages electronic participation whenever a member cannot otherwise be present.
   (B)   Benefits of physical participation. Notwithstanding division (A), the Town Council encourages members to participate physically in meetings whenever possible to maximize interaction and public observation.
   (C)   Postponement decisions. The President shall consider whether the benefits of electronic participation are outweighed by otherwise rescheduling or postponing to another date a meeting or an agenda item thereof so as to allow for full physical participation of the Town Council for later consideration of such matters.
   (D)   Adoption. It is hereby the adopted policy of the Town Council to permit electronic participation to the fullest extent allowed by the Open Door Law, and as described further herein, for use as necessary.
   (E)   Amendment. This section, and the policy created thereby, may be amended at any time.
(Res. 2022-03, passed 9-20-2022)