(A) Any site on which a use permitted by this chapter is established shall install a lawn for all land areas not covered by impervious surfaces within six months following the issuance of a certificate of occupancy.
(B) A performance guarantee may be required by the village to ensure that landscaping is installed within the six month period. No landscape materials other than lawn and street trees approved by the Zoning Administrator shall be planted within any untraveled portion of a public road right-of-way or public easement for public utilities.
(C) Residential landscaping shall comply with the applicable provisions of this subchapter.
(A) Exterior building design.
(1) Buildings with exterior walls greater than 50 feet in horizontal length shall be constructed using a combination of architectural features and a variety of building materials and landscaping near the walls.
(a) Walls which can be viewed from public streets shall be designed using architectural features and landscaping (abutting the building) for at least 30% of the wall length.
(b) Other walls shall incorporate architectural features and landscaping for at least 20% of the wall length.
(c) Window areas shall cover 15% or more of the exterior wall area facing the principal street(s) from which access is gained.
(2) Architectural features.
(a) Architectural features include, but are not limited to the following: recesses, projections, wall insets, arcades, window display areas, awnings, balconies, window projections, landscape structures or other features that complement the design intent of the structure and are acceptable to the review authority.
(b) In addition, a portion of the on-site landscaping shall abut the walls so that the vegetation combined with the architectural features significantly reduce the visual impact of the building mass as viewed from the street. Additional landscaping requirements of this chapter must also be satisfied.
(3) Building materials.
(a) The predominant building materials should be materials that are characteristic of Michigan such as brick, decorative tilt-up panels, wood, native stone and tinted/textured concrete masonry units and/or glass products.
(b) Other materials such as smooth-faced concrete block, undecorated tilt-up concrete panels, or pre-fabricated steel panels should only be used as accents and not dominate the building exterior of the structure.
(c) Metal roofs may be allowed if compatible with the overall architectural design of the building.
(4) Roof design.
(a) Roofs should be designed to reduce the apparent exterior mass of a building, add visual interest and be appropriate to the architectural style of the building.
(b) Architectural methods shall be used to conceal flat roof tops.
(c) Overhanging eaves, sloped roofs and multiple roof elements are highly encouraged.
(5) Customer entrances. Clearly defined, highly visible customer entrances using features such as canopies, porticos, arcades, arches, wing walls, and integral planters are highly encouraged.
(B) Community amenities. Community amenities such as patio/seating areas, water features, art work or sculpture, clock towers, pedestrian plazas with park benches or other features located adjacent to the primary entrance to the building(s) are highly encouraged and may be calculated as part of the landscaping requirement.
(C) Building and sign colors. Exterior colors shall be of low reflectance, subtle, neutral or earth tone colors. The use of high intensity colors such as black, neon, metallic or flourescent for the facade and/or roof of the building are prohibited except as approved for building trim. The use of trademark colors will require approval.
(D) Lighting and flag poles.
(1) On site lighting shall be shielded with cut-off fixtures that direct light downward and onto the site and not shine or glare onto adjacent property or streets.
(2) Lighting shall not be attached to buildings or other structures that permit light to be directed horizontally.
(E) Natural features. Buildings shall be sited to protect existing natural areas such as steep natural grades, trees, significant groupings of healthy vegetation (shrubs and trees) and rock outcroppings. These areas are encouraged to be incorporated into the overall site plan and may be calculated as part of the landscaping requirement if healthy and not damaged during construction.
(F) Building location and orientation. New buildings shall have at least one principal building entrance oriented toward the front lot line.
(G) Pedestrian walkways.
(1) Walkways from the sidewalk to building entrances.
(a) A continuous pedestrian walkway shall be provided from any adjacent street sidewalk for pedestrians to access building entrances.
(b) This internal walkway shall incorporate a mix of landscaping, benches, and bicycle facilities for at least 50% of the length of the walkway.
(c) Walkways shall be connected to adjacent sites wherever practicable.
(2) Walkways from parking areas to building entrances.
(a) Internal pedestrian walkways shall be developed for persons who need access to the building(s) from internal parking areas. The walkways shall be located within the parking areas and shall be designed to provide access from these areas to the entrances of the building(s).
(b) The walkways shall be designed to separate people from moving vehicles as much as possible.
(c) These walkways shall have a minimum width of five feet with no vehicle overhang or other obstruction.
(d) The walkways must be designed for disabled access according to the adopted Building Code for the Village of Fowler.
(e) The walkways shall be distinguished from the parking and driving areas by use of any of the following materials: special pavers, bricks, raised elevation or scored concrete. Other materials may be used if they are appropriate to the overall design of the site and building and acceptable to the review authority.
(H) Mechanical equipment and service areas. Mechanical equipment and service areas shall be visually screened from adjacent properties, public roadways, parks, or other public areas. The architectural design of the building shall incorporate design features which screen, contain and conceal all heating, ventilation, air conditioning units, trash enclosures, dumpsters, loading docks and service yards.
(I) Parking lot landscaping. This division is applicable to parking lots serving any nonresidential or multiple family use in any district. A parking lot landscape plan shall be submitted with any application for a building permit or when otherwise required by this chapter.
(2) Existing parking areas.
(a) These requirements shall be met for any existing parking lot which is expanded more than 25% of its original existing area, after the adoption of this chapter, or when any parking area is substantially altered (e.g., removal and replacement of existing pavement).
(b) Any landscaping existing within or bordering any existing parking area shall not be removed unless replaced with landscaping meeting the requirements of this section.
(3) General requirements.
(a) Landscaping shall be planted and installed such that, when mature, it does not obscure traffic signs, fire hydrants, or lighting, and does not alter drainage patterns on the site or on adjacent properties; obstruct vision for reasons of safety, ingress or egress; or cause damage to utility lines (above and below ground) and public roadways.
(b) Any landscaped area required by this division shall be constructed outside any public street right-of-way.
(c) All landscaped areas, including perimeter areas, shall be protected by a raised or rolled concrete curb.
(4) Frontage landscaping.
(a) Where any parking area directly abuts or faces a public street, a screen shall be required between the parking area and the road right-of-way. Such screen shall consist of, at a minimum, one of the following:
1. A strip of land at least five feet in width and a solid screen comprised of a hedge or decorative wall, or any combination thereof, which measures at least three feet in height; or
2. A strip of land at least ten feet in width containing landscaping equivalent to a minor buffer, as described in § 152.226 except that the obscuring screen need not be provided.
(b) The required strip of land shall also be covered with grass or other approved ground cover.
(5) Interior landscaping.
(a) Interior landscaping shall be provided for any parking area containing 12 or more parking spaces.
(b) The interior of the parking lot shall begin at the outside boundary of the parking area.
(c) The interior area of any parking lot shall incorporate one planting island per each 12 parking spaces, or part thereof.
(d) Each planting island shall be at least 90 square feet in area with a minimum single dimension of nine feet.
(e) Landscaped islands shall be dispersed evenly throughout the parking lot and may be used to separate pedestrian areas, maneuvering areas, and drives.
(f) Trees planted shall comply with the provisions of § 152.227(A).
It is the intent of this subchapter that off-street parking and loading spaces shall be provided and adequately maintained by each property owner in every district for the parking of motor vehicles for the use of occupants, employees, vendors, and patrons of each building and premise constructed, altered, or enlarged under the provisions of this chapter.
(A) Whenever five or more vehicle parking spaces are required for a given use of land, plans and specifications for the construction or alteration of an off-street parking area shall be submitted for approval of the Village Council, after receipt of a recommendation from the Planning Commission, before a development permit is issued.
(B) Such plans and specifications shall indicate the location, precise use of buildings, size, site, design, surfacing, marking, lighting, drainage, curb cuts, entrances, exits, landscaping, and any other detailed features essential to the complete design and construction of the parking area.
(C) Whenever 15 or more vehicle parking spaces are required for a given use of land, plans and specifications for the construction or alteration of off-street parking areas shall be submitted by a registered professional engineer or other appropriate professional.
All off-street parking and loading areas shall be located on the same lot, or other lot in the same zoning district located not more than 200 linear feet from the building intended to be served. On-street public parking may be considered available to meet all or any portion of the needs of a non-residential use, provided that the Planning Commission finds parking spaces are reasonably available at the time of day needed.