169.01 Purpose
169.02 Compliance required
169.03 Violations
169.03-01 Violations generally
169.03-02 Specific violations
169.04 Responsible persons
169.05 Enforcement generally
169.05-01 Responsibility for enforcement
169.05-02 Notice of violations
169.05-03 Complaints regarding violations
169.05-04 Inspections to ensure compliance
169.06 Remedies and penalties
169.06-01 Remedies and penalties available to city
169.06-02 Additional remedies available for sign violations
169.06-03 Remedies cumulative
This chapter establishes procedures through which the city seeks to ensure compliance with the provisions of this ZDO and obtain corrections for ZDO violations. It also sets forth the remedies and penalties that apply to violations of this ZDO. The provisions of this chapter are intended to encourage the voluntary correction of violations, where possible.
(Ord. 05-10, passed 3-23-10)
(A) Failure to comply with ordinance or term or condition of approval constitutes ordinance violation. Any failure to comply with a standard, requirement, prohibition, or limitation imposed by this ZDO, or the terms or conditions of any permit or other permit approval or authorization granted in accordance with this ZDO shall constitute a violation of this ZDO punishable as provided in this chapter.
(B) Permits or permit approvals only authorize development approved. Permits or permit approvals issued on the basis of applications approved by the City Council, Planning Commission, Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA), Building Official, or other officials, authorize only the use, arrangement, location, design, density or intensity, and development set forth in such permits or permit approvals, and no other use, arrangement, location, design, density or intensity, and development.
(C) Violations run with the land. Violations of this ZDO shall run with the land where the violation occurred, and shall not be voided by sale or transfer.
(Ord. 05-10, passed 3-23-10)
It shall be a violation of this ZDO to do any of the following:
(A) Develop land or a structure without first obtaining the appropriate permit or permit approval.
(B) Develop land or a structure without complying with the terms or conditions of the permit or permit approval required to engage in development.
(C) Occupy or use land or a structure in violation of the terms or conditions of the permit or permit approval.
(D) Subdivide land without first obtaining the appropriate permit or permit approvals required to engage in subdivision.
(E) Subdivide land without complying with the terms or conditions of the permit or permit approval required to engage in development.
(F) Excavate, grade, cut, clear, pave, cover, or undertake any land disturbing activity without first obtaining all appropriate permits and permit approvals, and complying with their terms and conditions.
(G) Remove existing trees, or prune any limb greater than 6 inches diameter at the nearest juncture, without first obtaining appropriate permits and permit approvals, and complying with their terms and conditions.
(H) Install, create, erect, alter, or maintain any sign without first obtaining the appropriate permit or permit approval.
(I) Fail to remove any sign installed, created, erected, or maintained in violation of this ZDO, or for which the sign permit, § 162.03-11, has lapsed.
(J) Create, expand, replace, or change any nonconformity except in compliance with this ZDO.
(K) Reduce or diminish the requirements or development standards below the minimum required by this ZDO.
(L) Increase the intensity or density of development, except in accordance with the standards of this ZDO.
(M) Through any act or omission, fail to comply with any provisions, procedures, or standards as required by this ZDO.
(N) Demolish a principal structure without appropriate permits.
(Ord. 05-10, passed 3-23-10; Am. Ord. 25-16, passed 1-10-17)