General Provisions
152.01 Statutory authorization and administration
152.02 Findings of fact
152.03 Statement of purpose
152.04 Objectives
152.05 Definitions
152.06 Applicability
152.07 Basis for establishing areas of special flood hazard
152.08 Compliance
152.09 Abrogation and greater restrictions
152.10 Interpretation
152.11 Warning and disclaimer of liability
152.12 Construction, ingress and/or egress on properties accreted unnaturally from Post-Hugo Dune Restoration Project
Flood Hazard Reduction
152.25 General standards
152.26 Specific standards
152.27 (Reserved)
152.28 Subdivision proposals
152.29 Areas of shallow flooding
Administration and Enforcement
152.40 Development permit
152.41 Permit procedures
152.42 Variances
152.99 Penalty
Building Official, see Chapter 150
Building Regulations, see Chapter 150
City Policies, see Chapter 35