General Provisions
32.001 Powers of Council
32.002 Membership
32.003 Appointing Committee and appointments
32.004 Term of office
32.005 Removal from office
32.006 Duties
32.007 Officers
32.008 Temporary presiding officer
32.009 Meetings
32.010 Voting
32.011 Agenda
32.012 Fees
Redevelopment Commission
32.050 Established
32.051 Membership
32.052 Powers and duties
Historic District Advisory Commission
32.070 District Advisory Commission
Community Services Advisory Board
32.085 Established
32.086 Membership
32.087 Powers and duties
Planning and Zoning Commission
32.105 Established
32.106 Powers and duties
Teen Council
32.120 Established
Charles Whitlow Rodeo Grounds Advisory Board
32.130 Established
Board of Adjustment, see § 150.008