(A) The Supplemental Agreement requested by the Boone County Planning Commission providing and allowing for compensation to citizen members of the Boone County Planning Commission and Boards of Adjustment is hereby adopted and approved as a Supplemental Agreement to the Agreement establishing the Boone County Planning Commission pursuant to KRS Chapter 100 (see § 33.15). The Supplemental Agreement being adopted and approved herein is limited solely and only to this purpose and does not otherwise affect, change, alter, or modify any other provision of the original Agreement or any of its other Supplemental Agreements. A copy of the Supplemental Agreement being approved and adopted herein is incorporated herein by reference as if fully set out.
(B) It is specifically and expressly herein provided that the original Agreement establishing the Boone County Planning Commission and its Supplemental Agreements previously adopted are to remain in full force and effect, the Supplemental Agreement being adopted by this section being limited solely to the issue of allowing compensation to citizen members of the Boone County Planning Commission and Boards of Adjustment.
(Ord. O-19-87, passed 6-30-87)
For information on the Parking Violation Hearing Board, see § 70.20.
Creation and establishment of an Urban Forest Commission. There is hereby created and established an Urban Forest Commission for the city which shall have a membership of five persons, each of which shall be a citizen and resident of, or a person who works or conducts business in, the city. A Chairman and four members shall be appointed by the Mayor with the approval by the City Council.
(Ord. 0-37-91, passed 10-22-91; Am. Ord. O-22-96, passed 10-29-96; Am. Ord. O-8-19, passed 4-2-19; Am. Ord. O-9-22, passed 6-14-22)
(A) The term of office of the members of the Commission shall be three years, however, in order to stagger the expiration of the terms of members, appointments to the initial Commission shall be as follows: the Chairman - three years, two members - two years, and two members - one year. In the even that a vacancy shall occur during the term of any member, a successor shall be appointed for the unexpired portion of the term.
(B) In order to stagger the expiration of the terms of the two new members appointed to the Commission, the terms of the initial appointments to those positions shall be as follows: One member - one year; one member - two years.
(C) If a member of the Urban Forest Commission fails to attend three consecutive regularly scheduled meetings without a valid excuse, that member shall be removed from the Commission.
(Ord. O-37-91, passed 10-22-91; Am. Ord. O-22-96, passed 10-29-96)