   (A)   It shall be the responsibility of the Commission to develop and update and submit to the City Council for approval a plan to address the preservation, maintenance, and expansion of the urban forest. This plan shall include: specific recommendations for the care, preservation, pruning, planting, replanting, removal or disposition of trees, shrubs and other vegetation in parks, along streets, and in other public areas; provision for a program for public information and participation; development of funding resources and budgetary requirements to implement the plan; recommendations for new or revised legislation or regulations concerning landscaping and preservation of vegetation on public and private property in the city; a strategy to pursue the acquisition and maintenance of the status of "Tree City, USA" as sponsored by the National Arbor Day Foundation.
   (B)   The Commission, when requested by the City, shall consider, investigate, make finding, report and recommend upon any special matter or question coming within the scope of its work.
(Ord. O-37-91, passed 10-22-91)
§ 33.39 OPERATION.
   The Commission shall, with the exception of the office of Chairman, choose its own officers, make its own procedural rules and regulations, and keep a journal of its activities. A majority of the members shall be a quorum for the transaction of business.
(Ord. O-37-91, passed 10-22-91)
   The City Council shall have the right to review the conduct, acts and decisions of the Commission. The Commission shall obtain the approval of the City Council prior to undertaking any activities or assuming any functions, duties or responsibilities other than those set out in § 33.38 above.
(Ord. O-37-91, passed 10-22-91)
   There is hereby established an Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council ("Council") which shall review the delivery of emergency medical services by way of paramedics, emergency medical technicians, emergency and non-emergency/transport ambulance services, fire departments, police departments and emergency dispatch.
(Ord. O-12-96, passed 8-13-96)
§ 33.51 MEMBERS.
   (A)   Each of the following organizations shall designate one individual to serve on the Council:
      (1)   Boone County Fire Chief's Association;
      (2)   Kenton County Fire Chief's Association;
      (3)   Campbell County Firefighter's Educational Association;
      (4)   Northern Kentucky Firefighter's Association;
      (5)   St. Elizabeth Hospitals;
      (6)   St. Luke Hospitals;
      (7)   St. Elizabeth Advanced Life Support Service;
      (8)   Northern Kentucky Emergency Medical Service, Inc.;
      (9)   Northern Kentucky Disaster Emergency Services;
      (10)   Northern Kentucky Police Chief's Association;
      (11)   Northern Kentucky City/County Administrators Association;
      (12)   Senior Services of Northern Kentucky, Inc.;
   (B)   These individuals, after nomination by their respective sponsoring organization, shall be appointed by the city and the Boone Fiscal Court for a four year term and may succeed themselves.
(Ord. O-12-96, passed 8-13-96)
   Upon review of the status of the delivery of emergency medical services to the city and counties, the Council shall make recommendations to the city and each Fiscal Court as to how they can best achieve consistent and efficient delivery of emergency medical services. The Council's findings may take the form of a proposed ordinance to be adopted by the city and the respective Fiscal Courts.
(Ord. O-12-96, passed 8-13-96)