(A)   The agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor shall be responsible for maintaining all street cuts in such a manner as to avoid a hazard to vehicular and pedestrian traffic until permanently repaired.
      (1)   When emergency repairs are deemed necessary by the City Engineer to correct a situation that is hazardous to the public, the agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor that is responsible for the cut shall be notified immediately. If the agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor does not provide an acceptable schedule for making the emergency repair within eight hours of being notified, the repairs will be performed by the city, and the agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor will be billed for the repairs necessary to complete the project, including clean up.
      (2)   Agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor will be required to maintain the interim cut repair until they have completed final repairs.
      (3)   Traffic-bearing steel plates shall be utilized on all concrete paving cuts until required curing is accomplished. Asphalt shall be used to provide smooth ramps at the edges. Plates or asphalt may be used for temporary repairs.
   (B)   All damage caused directly or indirectly to the street surface or subsurface outside the pavement cut area shall be regarded as a part of the street cut. These areas, as established by the City Inspector, will be included in the total area repaired.
   (C)   The agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor shall notify the Public Works Department immediately of any damage to other utilities, either city or privately owned.
   (D)   Construction methods.
      (1)   The city’s special provisions to standard specifications for public works construction and the city’s standard construction details shall govern the cutting and restoration of street and alley pavements in the city. These requirements shall apply equally to any person, public infrastructure contractor, network provider, agency or city department who makes cuts and repairs to streets and alleys in the city. Any above or in-ground equipment shall not be partially or completely within the sidewalk area, or within 18-inches of the paved sidewalk, unless otherwise approved by the city.
      (2)   Permanent repairs of utility cuts in existing streets, alleys or easements will be completed by the agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor within 14 calendar days of beginning the work. If an agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor does not believe that it will be able to meet this schedule, the agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor must contact the City Engineer concerning an alternative schedule for the repairs. Any alternative schedule must be approved by the City Engineer prior to the beginning of the work. The agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor will be responsible for any maintenance of the repair for a period of one year after the repair is complete. Failure to do so will result in the use of the agency's, network provider's or public infrastructure contractor's performance warranty/guarantee by the city to repair any damage, and, possibly, the requirement of additional warrantee(s) and/or the denial of future permits.
      (3)   Steel plates left in the right-of-way after repairs are completed will be removed by the city and become the city's property.
      (4)   Excavation in street or alley pavements should begin with an air-hammer shovel, a pavement breaker or other equipment that will not damage the pavement outside an approximate width of the ditch prior to beginning trenching operations. All street excavations will be saw cut before the street is repaired. Full depth saw cuts are required.
      (5)   If the excavation is to pass under where the curb is installed without dummy/expansion joint, the agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor may saw cut a smooth line one foot beyond each side of the disturbed base. If no damage to curb is evident to the City Inspector, the agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor may pump concrete under curb and gutter on cuts less than one-foot wide. The City Inspector will make this determination prior to concrete being placed under existing curb and gutter.
   (E)   Notification of homeowners' and homeowner associations. When an agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor is installing more than 500 linear feet of underground facilities, the agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor shall notify in writing all homeowner associations, from information maintained by the city, and individual homeowners along the route. Door hangers are an acceptable form of written notification. This notification shall give information about the project, not limited to the proposed location of the facilities, the time length for construction and a contact person to report any problems. The agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor must also contact all homeowner associations concerning the location of any underground improvements.
(Ord. O-23-978, passed 7-17-2023)