(A)   Responsibility for employees, courtesy and drug policy. Agencies, network providers and infrastructure contractors shall be responsible and liable for the acts and omissions of their employees, temporary employees, officers, directors, consultants, agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, and subcontractors in connection with the installations of facilities in the right-of-way, as if such acts or omissions were agency's, network provider's, or public infrastructure contractor's acts or omissions. Work in the public rights-of-way shall be done in a manner that causes the least interference with the rights and reasonable convenience of property owners and residents. Citizen satisfaction must be a priority in using the right-of-way. Agencies, network providers, and infrastructure contractors shall train their employees to be customer service-oriented and to positively and politely interact with citizens when dealing with issues pertaining to its facilities in the right-of-way. Employees shall be clean, courteous, efficient, and neat in appearance and committed to offering the highest quality of interaction with the public. If, in the opinion of the City Manager, the employee is not interacting in a positive and polite manner with citizens, he or she shall request that the agency, network provider or infrastructure contractor take all remedial steps to conform to these standards. It is the policy of the city to achieve a drug-free workforce and workplace. The manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, sale, or use of illegal drugs or alcohol by agency’s, network provider's or infrastructure contractor's employees, contractors, subcontractors, or vendors while on city rights-of-way is prohibited.
   (B)   Minimal interference. Agency’s, network provider’s, or public infrastructure contractor's facilities shall be constructed or maintained in such a manner as not to interfere with sewers, water pipes, or any other property of the city, or with any other pipes, wires, conduits, pedestals, structures, or other facilities that may have been laid in the rights-of-way by, or under, the city's authority. The agency's, network provider's or public infrastructure contractor's facilities shall be located, erected, and maintained so as not to endanger or interfere with the lives of persons, or to interfere with improvements the city may deem proper to make or to unnecessarily hinder or obstruct the free use of the rights-of-way or other public property, and shall not interfere with the travel and use of public places by the public during the construction, repair, operation, or removal thereof, and shall not obstruct or impede traffic. The agency, network provider, or infrastructure contractor shall not cause any interference with city public safety radio system, traffic signal light system, or other city safety communications components.
   (C)   Responsibilities under permit; location of facilities.
      (1)   A permit does not relieve an agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor of the responsibility to coordinate with other utilities and to protect existing facilities. An agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor working in the right-of-way is responsible for obtaining line locates from all affected utilities or others with facilities in the right-of-way prior to any excavation. Use of the geographic information system or the plans of record does not satisfy this requirement.
      (2)   In performing location of facilities in the public rights-of-way in preparation for construction under a permit, agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor shall compile all information obtained regarding its or any other facilities in the public rights-of-way related to a particular permit and shall make that information available to the city in a written and verified format acceptable to the City Engineer.
      (3)   Protection of utilities. Before beginning excavation in any public right-of-way, an agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor shall contact the Texas One-Call System or any other company operating under the One-Call Statute and, to the extent required by Tex. Utilities Code Ch. 251, make inquiries of all ditch companies, utility companies, districts, local government departments, and all other agencies that might have facilities in the area of work to determine possible conflicts.
         (a)   Field locations shall be marked prior to commencing work. The agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor shall support and protect all pipes, conduits, poles, wires, or other apparatus that may be affected by the work from damage during construction or settlement of trenches subsequent to construction.
         (b)   A person shall only use a water-based paint in the public right-of-way to mark the location of existing underground utilities. A person commits an offense, if a marking he or she makes in the public right-of-way to mark the location of existing underground utilities remains visible longer than 60 calendar days after being applied.
   (D)   Underground construction and use of poles.
      (1)   Facilities shall be maintained in an appropriate manner.
      (2)   Should the city desire to place its own facilities in trenches or bores opened by the agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor, the agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor shall cooperate with the city in any construction by the agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor that involves trenching or boring, provided that the city has first notified the agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor in some manner that it is interested in sharing the trenches or bores in the area in which the agency's, network provider's or public infrastructure contractor's construction is occurring. The agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor shall allow the city to place its facilities in the agency's, network provider's or public infrastructure contractor's trenches and bores, provided the city incurs any incremental increase in cost of the trenching and boring. The city shall be responsible for maintaining its respective facilities buried in the agency's, network provider's or public infrastructure contractor's trenches and bores under this division.
   (E)   Joint trenching. The public rights-of-way have a finite capacity for containing facilities. The City Engineer may require an agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor to share trench space to minimize the disruption of vehicular or pedestrian traffic. All facilities shall meet any applicable local, state, and federal clearance and other safety requirements, be adequately grounded and anchored, and meet the provisions of any contracts executed between agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor and the other joint user. Agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor may, at its option, correct any attachment deficiencies and charge the joint user for its costs.
   (F)   Excavation safety. On construction projects in which excavation will exceed a depth of five feet, the agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor must have detailed plans and specifications for excavation safety systems. The term EXCAVATION includes trenches, structural or any construction that has earthen excavation subject to collapse. The excavation safety plan shall be designed in conformance with state law and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) standards and regulations.
   (G)   Erosion control. The agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor shall be responsible for storm water management erosion control that complies with city, state and federal guidelines. All installations shall comply with city standard construction details, as amended.
   (H)   On-site requirements. Agencies, network providers and public infrastructure contractors subject to this chapter must have a minimum of one English-speaking representative at the site where work is being performed at all times. Additionally, each of agency's, or network provider's or public infrastructure contractor's vehicles shall bear a sign identifying the agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor that owns the vehicles.
   (I)   Electrical supply. Agencies, network providers and public infrastructure contractors are responsible for obtaining any required electrical power services to their facilities. The city shall not be liable for any stoppages or shortages of electrical power furnished to the facilities, including without limitation, stoppages or shortages caused by any act, omission, or requirement of the public utility serving the facilities or the act or omission of any other tenant of the structure or user of the right-of-way, or for any other cause beyond the control of the city. Generators and back-up generators are prohibited in the right-of-way.
(Ord. O-23-978, passed 7-17-2023)