(A) No person, agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor may close a public street without first obtaining a permit from the City Engineer. An application for a maintenance permit and a traffic control plan shall be submitted to the City Engineer no less than seven business days prior to the date of the proposed closure unless an emergency exists, in which case immediate notice must be given to the City Engineer. If a proposed construction project is to be made in the public right-of-way dedicated to the State of Texas, a city permit shall be required in addition to any and all permits required by the state.
(B) When it is necessary to obstruct traffic, an application for a maintenance permit and a traffic control plan shall be submitted to the City Engineer prior to starting construction. No permit will be issued until the traffic control plan is approved by the City Engineer. No agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor shall block access to and from private property, block emergency vehicles, block access to fire hydrants, fire stations, fire escapes, water valves, underground vaults, valve housing structures, or any other vital equipment unless the agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor provides the city with written verification of written notice delivered to the owner or occupant of the facility, equipment, or property at least 48 hours in advance.
(C) When necessary for public safety, the agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor shall employ flag persons whose duties shall be to control traffic around or through the construction site. The use of flag persons may be required by the City Engineer.
(D) Unless approved by the City Engineer, the agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor shall not impede rush hour traffic on major thoroughfares during the morning or evening rush hours. No construction shall be performed, nor shall any traffic lane be closed to traffic during the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. or 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, without the written approval of the City Engineer.
(E) Lane closures on major thoroughfares will be limited to no more than two hours at any time outside of the morning and evening rush hours unless approved by the City Engineer.
(F) Traffic control devices and barricades, as defined in Part VI of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, or any successor publication thereto, must be used whenever it is necessary to close a traffic lane or sidewalk. Traffic control devices and barricades are to be supplied by the agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor. If used at night, they must be reflectorized and must be illuminated or have barricade warning lights.
(G) Part VI of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, or any successor publication thereto, shall be used as a guide for all maintenance and construction signing. The agency, network provider, or public infrastructure contractor shall illustrate on the permit the warning and control devices proposed for use. At the direction of the City Engineer, such warning and control devices shall be modified.
(H) The City Engineer may refuse to issue a permit if proposed construction activity will substantially interfere with vehicular traffic flow on major thoroughfares or is inconsistent with procedures of this chapter.
(Ord. O-23-978, passed 7-17-2023)