§ 111.06 EXCEPTIONS.
   The provisions of this chapter shall not apply to any scientific and literary lectures and entertainments; to any duly and regularly licensed auctioneer in pursuit of his or her profession; to a person using a motor vehicle owned by him or her whether operated by him or her or his or her agent for the transportation of farm produce raised or produced by him or her on his or her own or leased premises, when the entire course of such transportation extends not more than the confines of the territorial limits of the state; to any regularly established and recognized charitable or welfare institution or organization of and within the state and whose benefits are available to any person within the state; to wholesalers calling upon established local business firms in the town; to any legal resident of the county under the age of 18 or to any person over the age of 18 who is a legal resident of the county and qualified to vote therein; to any regularly established newspaper situated in and published in the state; to all class and year books sponsored by the public or parochial schools of the state.
(Prior Code, § 5.04.070) (Ord. 196, passed - -)