333.01 Driving vehicles in unsafe condition.
333.02 Bumpers on motor vehicles.
333.03 Lighted lights; measurements of distances and heights.
333.04 Headlights on vehicles and motorcycles.
333.05 Taillight regulations; license plates visible.
333.06 Red reflectors on rear of vehicles.
333.07 Stop light regulations.
333.08 Lights on vehicles in combination.
333.09 Red flag or red light on extended load.
333.10 Light on parked or stopped vehicle.
333.11 Lights
, emblems, and reflectors on slow-moving vehicles, farm machinery, agricultural tractors, and animal-drawn vehicles.
333.12 Spotlights and auxiliary lights; number and manner of use.
333.13 Cowl, fender and back-up lights.
333.14 Number of lights.
333.15 Use of headlight beams.
333.16 Lights of less intensity on slow-moving vehicles.
333.17 Number of lights permitted; red and flashing lights.
333.18 Brake equipment.
333.19 Horns; emergency vehicles; requirements and restrictions.
333.20 Muffler; muffler cutout; excessive smoke, gas or noise.
333.21 Blurred windshield.
333.22 Clear and unobstructed view to rear and both sides; rear-view mirror.
333.23 Windshield and windshield wiper; sign or poster thereon.
333.24 Solid tires; requirements.
333.25 Safety glass required.
333.26 Directional signals.
333.27 Spikes, lugs and chains.
333.28 Air cleaner required.
333.29 Child restraint system usage.
333.30 Drivers and passengers required to wear seat belts.
333.31 Use of sunscreening, nontransparent and reflectorized materials.
333.32 Bumper heights.
333.99 Penalty.
See sectional histories for simliar State law
Signal devices upon bicycles - see TRAF. 353.17
(a) No person shall drive or move, or cause or knowingly permit to be driven or moved, on any street any vehicle or combination of vehicles which is in such unsafe condition as to endanger any person.
(b) The provisions of this Code with respect to equipment on vehicles shall not apply to implements of husbandry, road machinery, road rollers or agricultural tractors, except as herein made applicable to such articles of machinery.
(ORC 4513.02; Ord. 7-83. Passed 3-21-83.)
No person shall operate upon any street or highway any motor vehicle that:
(a) Was originally equipped with bumpers as standard equipment, unless the vehicle is equipped with bumpers equal to the original equipment when so operated;
(b) Has a suspension system or body so modified that the height of any bumper on the vehicle varies more than three inches from the original manufactured bumper height for the vehicle.
(ORC 4513.021; Ord. 7-83. Passed 3-21-83.)
(ORC 4513.021; Ord. 7-83. Passed 3-21-83.)
(a) Every vehicle, other than a motorized bicycle, operated upon a street or highway shall display lighted lights and illuminating devices as required by this chapter during all of the following times:
(1) The time from sunset to sunrise;
(2) At any other time when, due to insufficient natural light or unfavorable atmospheric conditions, persons, vehicles, and substantial objects on the street or highway are not discernible at a distance of one thousand feet ahead;
(3) At any time when the windshield wipers of the vehicle are in use because of precipitation on the windshield.
Every motorized bicycle shall display at such times lighted lights meeting the rules adopted by the Ohio Director of Public Safety under Ohio R.C. 4511.521. No motor vehicle, during any time specified in this section, shall be operated upon a street or highway using only parking lights as illumination.
(b) Whenever in this chapter a requirement is declared as to the distance from which certain lights and devices shall render objects visible, or within which such lights or devices shall be visible, such distance shall be measured upon a straight level unlighted street under normal atmospheric conditions unless a different condition is expressly stated.
(c) Whenever in this chapter a requirement is declared as to the mounted height of lights or devices, it shall mean from the center of such light or device to the level ground upon which the vehicle stands.
(d) Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, no law enforcement officer shall cause the operator of a vehicle being operated upon a street or highway to stop the vehicle solely because the officer observes that a violation of subsection (a)(3) of this section has been or is being committed or for the sole purpose of issuing a ticket, citation or summons for a violation of that subsection, or causing the arrest of or commencing a prosecution of a person for a violation of that subsection.
(ORC 4513.03)
(ORC 4513.03)