(a) A permit shall not be issued until the fee prescribed therefor has been paid to the Commissioner of Buildings. The fee to be paid for a permit to be issued by the Commissioner of Buildings shall be determined in the Division of Buildings. Upon payment of the fee, the Commissioner of Buildings shall give a receipt for the same and the permit shall be issued to the applicant.
(b) The fees prescribed in this chapter shall be additive and, unless otherwise specifically provided, separate fees shall be paid for each of the items listed.
(c) The fees prescribed in Section 1703.65 for demolition or removal of buildings or structures shall apply when a building or structure is demolished or torn down, or so removed as to require reassembly as new construction if rebuilt, or is moved to a site outside the City limits.
(d) The fees prescribed in Section 1703.65 for moving of buildings or structures shall apply when such buildings or structures are moved as a unit from a location within the City to a new site within the City. Relocated structures such as marquees, signs, awnings, tanks and grandstands, and other similar structures new or re-used, which require erection or assembly when relocated, shall be subject to the permit fees prescribed for corresponding new structures. Buildings and structures moved out of the City shall be subject to the fees prescribed in Section 1703.65 both for removal of and moving a building or structure. Buildings or structures moved into the City shall be subject to the permit fees prescribed for new buildings and the permit fees prescribed for moving of buildings or structures.
(e) The permit fees prescribed in this chapter shall apply to all permits for buildings or other structures, or parts thereof, secured after the effective date of this Code, including existing buildings or structures which are relocated or re-erected.
(f) All permit fees prescribed in this chapter shall be deemed paid in full by the applicant upon applicant’s certification to the Commissioner of Buildings that the applicant is a County Land Reutilization Corporation, as defined in Ohio R.C. 1724.01, or the building, structure, or part thereof subject to this section was or will be purchased by the applicant from a County Land Reutilization Corporation, as defined in Ohio R.C. 1724.01, for use as applicant’s primary place of residence.
(Ord. 178-1959. Passed 9-14-59; Ord. 26-2013. Passed 3-18-13.)
The fees specified in this chapter do not include the cost of water used in construction work. Before any permit for work for which water will be required is issued, arrangements shall be made with the City of Cleveland for payment for all water used, and a certificate stating that the rules and regulations of the City of Cleveland have been complied with shall be secured from the City of Cleveland.
(Ord. 178-1959. Passed 9-14-59.)