1226.01 Findings.
1226.02 Park land standard.
1226.03 Responsibility of subdividers, developers and City.
1226.04 Definitions.
1226.05 Parks and Recreation Plan.
1226.06 Provision for parks and recreational facilities.
1226.07 Determination of total population.
1226.08 Choice of land or fee.
1226.09 Amount of land to be dedicated.
1226.10 Fee in lieu of dedication.
1226.11 Park development fee.
1226.12 Determination of fair market value.
1226.13 Credit for private open space.
1226.14 Reduction of minimum lot size and frontage requirements.
1226.15 Treatment of land to be dedicated; procedure for dedication of land and payment of fees.
1226.16 Limitation on use of land and fees.
1226.17 Adjustments.
Appropriation of property for parks - see Ohio R. C. 719.01(B), 755.08
Control and management of parks - see Ohio R.C. 723.01, 735.02, 755.05
Parks generally - see Ohio R.C. 755.01 et seq.
Recreation Board - see ADM. Ch. 264
Parks improvement fees - see B. & H. Ch. 1452