(a)   Land Dedication Only. In the event a subdivider or developer elects to fulfill the land dedication requirements of this chapter solely by dedicating land for park and recreational use, and such action is approved by the Planning Commission as provided in Section 1226.08, the minimum lot area standards and frontage requirements applicable to such subdivision or development, as provided in the Zoning Code, may be reduced at the request of the subdivider or developer by five percent and two and one-half percent, respectively. However, in the event a lot size and frontage reduction pursuant to this subsection enables a subdivider or developer to erect additional dwellings, a fee in lieu of land dedication, in an amount determined in accordance with Section 1226.10, shall be required with respect to the additional population that would be generated by each proposed additional dwelling.
   (b)   Land Dedication and Fee in Lieu Thereof. If the subdivider or developer elects to fulfill the requirements of this chapter only in part through the dedication of park land, and the Planning Commission approves such action, the minimum lot area standards and frontage requirements applicable to such subdivision or development may be reduced by a proportional percentage amount of the respective five percent and two and one-half percent factors provided in subsection (a) hereof, determined by comparing the actual amount of dedicated land to the total land dedication requirement.
   (c)   Additional Voluntary Land Dedication. In the event a subdivider or developer wishes to dedicate land for park and recreational use beyond the dedication and fee-in-lieu requirements of this chapter, subject to the approval of the Planning Commission, such subdivider or developer may reduce the minimum lot area requirements and frontage requirements applicable to such subdivision or development by subtracting the additional land area to be dedicated for park and recreational use from the land areas to which the minimum lot area requirement would otherwise be applied. However, no such voluntary dedication shall result in a reduction of the minimum lot area requirement greater than five percent or a proportional reduction in frontage requirements in excess of two and one-half percent, in addition to the reductions allowed pursuant to subsection (a) hereof, and provided, further, that no such additional reduction in minimum lot area requirements shall result in the erection of additional dwellings.
(Ord. 77-06. Passed 2-22-77. )