(a) The City Engineer, or authorized representative, may enter permitted sites at reasonable times as deemed necessary to make regular on-site inspections to ensure the validity of self-inspection reports. Such inspections may take place before, during and after any earth change activity for which a permit has been issued.
(b) If the inspection reveals that a control practice is in need of repair or maintenance, it must be repaired or maintained by the date specified by the City Engineer.
(c) If the inspection reveals that a control practice fails to perform its intended function and that another, more appropriate control practice is required, the SWP3 must be modified in accordance with the provisions of this chapter and the new control practice must be installed by the date specified by the City Engineer.
(d) If the inspection reveals that a control practice has not been implemented in accordance with the schedule contained in the SWP3, the control practice must be implemented by the date specified by the City Engineer. If the inspection reveals that the planned control practice is not needed, the permittee must submit to the City Engineer a statement of explanation as to why the control practice is not needed within ten days from the date of the inspection.
(Ord. 2008-18. Passed 2-19-08.)
(a) All post-construction, or permanent, storm water facilities installed since April 21, 2003,shall have signed inspection and maintenance agreements with the City to ensure the system continues to function as designed.
(b) The City may, at any time in writing, require a time frame in which to address any maintenance needs of a storm water management control practice and/or an increase to inspection and maintenance requirements.
(c) Parties responsible for the inspection and maintenance of storm water management facilities shall make records available to the City during inspections and at other reasonable times upon request.
(Ord. 2008-18. Passed 2-19-08; Ord. 2012-105. Passed 9-4-12.)
(a) All storm water inspection and maintenance agreements shall be recorded on the deed for the property and any subsequent split(s) of the property, and reference thereon shall be made to the person or entity which shall be responsible for long-term inspection and maintenance.
(b) The locations, dimensions and bearings of all storm water management facilities, drainage and any access or permanent easements, regardless of maintenance provisions, shall be recorded as a deed restriction, or when in an approved subdivision, with the final plat, or be included in covenants and restriction filed with the deed or plat.
(c) A note on the plat or restriction in the deed shall prohibit unauthorized alterations to any watercourse or improvement without the approval of the City Engineer and shall further provide access to the premises according to this chapter.
(Ord. 2008-18. Passed 2-19-08; Ord. 2012-105. Passed 9-4-12.)
(a) Permanent easements shall be provided by the property owner for all storm water drainage systems outside dedicated public road rights-of-way. Such permanent easements shall be not less than twenty-five feet in width, in addition to the width of the storm water drainage system, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer.
(b) Those lots crossed by a permanent easement shall be restricted against the planting within said permanent easement of trees, shrubbery or plantings with woody growth characteristics, and against the construction therein of buildings, accessory buildings, fences, walls or any other obstructions to the free flow of storm water and the movement of inspectors and maintenance equipment and also restricted against the changing of final grade from that described by the grading plan.
(c) The permanent easements shall be recorded with the plat in the name of the City and will remain in effect even with transfer of title to the property.
(Ord. 2008-18. Passed 2-19-08.)
(a) Permitting fees shall be assessed for the review, permitting and inspection of activities regulated under this chapter.
(b) The current fee schedule is located under Chapter 109 General Fee Schedule and can be requested from the City Engineering Department.
(c) Fees are due at the time the application is submitted or the permit is modified.
(Ord. 2008-18. Passed 2-19-08.)