Housing and Redevelopment Commission
   EDITOR'S NOTE: All references to "Law Director" in this chapter have been changed to "Administrative Legal Counsel" to reflect the Charter Amendment passed by the electors on May 8, 2001, and upon the adoption of Ordinance 2001-97, passed June 4, 2001.
185.01   Establishment; membership.
185.02   Chairman and Executive Secretary.
185.03   Rules; subcommittees.
185.04   Commission activities.
185.05   Official advisory commission.
   Community Planning and Renewal Department - see ADM. Ch. 159
   Urban renewal - see ADM. Ch. 161
   Housing Code - see BLDG. Ch. 1305
   There is hereby created and established a Housing and Redevelopment Commission which shall consist of seven members, as follows: a member of the Planning Commission, a member of the Board of Building Standards and Appeals and five resident members who shall be appointed by the Mayor, who shall be qualified electors of the City and who shall not hold any other office or employment with the City.
    The five resident members shall serve for terms of three years. However, the first appointment of the resident members of the Commission by the Mayor shall be as follows: one of such members shall be appointed for a one-year term; two for a two-year term; and two for a three-year term. Thereafter, each resident member shall be appointed for a three-year term and shall continue in office until his successor is appointed. Appointed members shall serve at the pleasure of the Mayor.
    The Commission shall provide for ex-officio seats. These seats will be filled by the Mayor, the Chairman of the Council Committee on Community Development and Improvement, the Safety-Service Director, the Administrative Legal Counsel, the Administrative Finance Counsel and a designated member of the Community Planning and Renewal Department. Other ex-officio seats upon the Commission may be provided as the Commission deems advisable. Such ex-officio members shall be appointed by the Chairman of the Commission and approved by a majority vote of the Commission membership and shall serve at the pleasure of the Chairman of the Commission. Ex-officio members of the Commission shall have the right to attend meetings and to take part in discussion, but they shall not vote upon any matter coming before the Commission, nor shall they be counted in determining voting or quorum requirements.
(Ord. 68-61. Passed 4-1-68.)
   At the first meeting of the Housing and Redevelopment Commission in the year 1968 after the Mayor has appointed citizen members to the Commission, as provided by this chapter, and at the first meeting of such Commission in each year thereafter, the members of the Commission shall elect a Chairman by a majority vote. The Chairman so elected, shall serve at the pleasure of the Commission and until a successor is elected by the Commission membership. The Chairman of the Commission shall be a resident member of such Commission, but in no event shall the Chairman of the Commission, in his dual capacity as Commission member and presiding officer of the Commission, cast more than one vote on any action. The designated member of the Community Planning and Renewal Department, in his ex-officio capacity, is hereby designated the Executive Secretary of the Commission. The principal responsibility of the Executive Secretary shall be to keep an accurate journal of the proceedings and actions of the Commission, as well as to receive and conduct the official correspondence of the Commission. In addition to these primary functions, the Executive Secretary shall, in his professional capacity, assist and advise the Chairman and Commission members in the execution of their designated powers and duties, as described in Section 185.04.
(Ord. 68-61. Passed 4-1-68.)