   A majority of the membership of the Housing and Redevelopment Commission shall constitute a quorum. Rules may be adopted by a majority vote of the members of the Commission to provide for the number of meetings and the method of calling regular and special meetings, and to provide for the conduct and government of meetings, but such rules shall not conflict with the provisions of the City Charter or any ordinance passed by Council.
   In accordance with the requirements of the Workable Program for Community Improvement, the membership of the Commission will be required to serve in dual capacities as members of the Commission and as chairmen of specified subcommittees advising the Commission. However, the Chairman of the Commission shall be exempt from this requirement. The subcommittee structure is as follows:
   (a)   The Commission member serving on the Planning Commission shall be responsible to the Housing and Redevelopment Commission for reporting progress on the Community Renewal Program.
   (b)   The Commission member serving on the Board of Building Standards and Appeals shall be responsible to the Housing and Redevelopment commission for reporting progress on codes and ordinances (except zoning) governing building in the City.
   (c)   A Commission member shall preside over a committee responsible to the Commission for reporting progress on the Community Renewal Program.
   (d)   A Commission member shall preside over a committee responsible to the Commission for reporting progress on the administration and financial capability of implementing community housing and redevelopment programs.
   (e)   A Commission member shall preside over a committee responsible to the Commission for reporting progress on the housing and relocation of displaced families within the City resulting from public action.
   (f)   A Commission member shall preside over a committee responsible to the Commission on citizen education and participation in specific housing and redevelopment programs of the City, as well as the minority group interests in these specific programs.
   The Housing and Redevelopment Commission will be required to hold a minimum of eleven meetings in any one calendar year. Subcommittees will be required, as a minimum, to meet and report progress once every calendar quarter in every year.
   Membership on subcommittees will be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the Commission Chairman and must receive the approval of the Mayor prior to appointment to the subcommittee The size of the subcommittees is established at a minimum of three members, which shall include the chairman of each subcommittee.
(Ord. 68-61. Passed 4-1-68.)
   (a)   Generally, the Housing and Redevelopment Commission shall conduct studies and surveys and prepare plans, reports and maps relative to the overall planning for housing, redevelopment and renewal in the City, and may make such recommendations relative thereto to the Mayor as it feels are in the best interests of the City. The Commission shall continuously review and report to the Mayor its recommendations concerning the City's Workable Program for Community Improvement, the Community Renewal Program and other regulations of the City pertinent to the responsibilities of the Commission. The Commission shall cooperate with and secure the cooperation of other governmental or private planning and/or housing and/or redevelopment agencies to secure the maximum benefit to the City of the work, studies, surveys and reports of such other agencies.
   (b)   Specifically, the Commission shall perform the following:
      (1)   Report annually to the Mayor by January 31 on the proceedings and actions of the Commission during the preceding year, together with a general outline of objectives for the current year;
      (2)   Direct and prepare the annual recertification of the City's Workable Program for Community Improvement. At the option of the Mayor, coordinate and assist on all aspects of the Workable Program for Community Improvement;
      (3)   Review and evaluate all matters before Council with regard to community housing and redevelopment;
      (4)   Review, evaluate and/or coordinate all programs requiring a certified workable program for community improvement. These shall include but not be restricted to:
         A.   Low income public housing, including all manner of leased public housing;
         B.   Moderate income Federal housing programs;
         C.   Relocation procedures;
         D.   Housing Code enforcement programs;
         E.   Renewal and redevelopment projects; and
      (5)   Hear Housing Code appeals.
   Other powers and duties of the Commission shall include those established by Council by ordinance, but until such ordinances are passed it shall possess such other powers and duties as are provided by the general laws of the State to the extent that such general laws do not conflict with the provisions of the City Charter.
(Ord. 68-61. Passed 4-1-68.)
   The Housing and Redevelopment Commission shall be recognized as the Mayor's official advisory commission to residents for the Workable Program for Community Improvement. Any other previously recognized and formulated committee of this type is hereby abolished.
(Ord. 68-61. Passed 4-1-68.)