12-16-1: Use Permits
12-16-2: Building Permits
12-16-1: USE PERMITS:
   A.   Application: Application for use permits shall be filed in the office of the commission on forms prescribed by the commission and shall be known as "Application for Use Permit". Use permits may be issued for any of the uses listed in the zoning districts as requiring a use permit.
   B.   Investigation: Copies of the use permit shall be submitted to any governmental or other agency, when the safeguarding of the public health, safety or welfare requires a study of the use requested by the agency affected.
   C.   Public Hearing: When deemed necessary and in the public interest, the commission may hold a public hearing upon any application for a use permit and may establish reasonable conditions which shall assure the intent and purpose of this title.
   D.   Approval/Denial: If it is the opinion of the commission, after consideration of the report of such investigation, that the use as proposed in the application, or under appropriate restrictions or conditions, will not endanger the public health, safety or general welfare, or be inconsistent with the general purposes and intent of this title, the commission shall approve the application, either with or without conditions. If the proposed use will tend, in the opinion of the commission, to endanger in any way the public health, safety or general welfare, or to produce results inconsistent with the general purposes and intent of this title, the commission shall deny the application.
   E.   Written Decision: All decisions shall be in resolution form and state in detail any conditions or requirements imposed to assure the intent and purpose of this title. Within forty (40) days after the conclusion of the hearing, the commission shall render a decision, in writing, to the applicant. (Ord. 410, 8-25-1986)
A building permit shall be required for the erection, construction, establishment, moving, alteration, enlargement, repair, or conversion of any building or structure and the use of land subject to the following provisions:
   A.   Application: Application for a building permit shall be the responsibility of the owner of the subject property or his designated contractor or builder and shall be made on a form furnished by the building inspector and shall, in addition to any plans for buildings or structures, be accompanied by a plot plan, drawn on scale, which shall show the size and location of the lot and existing and proposed buildings or structures on the lot, the dimensions of all yards and open spaces, and such other information as may be necessary.
   B.   Submittal To Commission: The building permit application, together with plans to descriptions of same, shall be submitted to the commission for approval or disapproval. The commission may designate the building inspector as its agent to receive and inspect, consider and approve or disapprove said plans on behalf of such commission.
   C.   Variance Or Use Permit Issued: In all cases where a variance or use permit has been authorized, the building inspector may issue a building permit to allow such building or work to be done in accordance with the provisions of the variance or use permit; provided, that no permit shall be issued pursuant to any decision until the time for rehearing or appeal therefrom shall have expired, and then only in the event that no appeal or application for rehearing shall have been filed within such time.
   D.   Conformance Required: No building permit shall be issued by the building inspector unless the application for such permit shall conform to all of the applicable regulations of this title and is to be occupied for a use in conformity with the provisions of this title. Any permit issued in conflict with this title shall be null and void. (Ord. 410, 8-25-1986)