12-11-1: Uses
12-11-2: Lot Areas
12-11-3: Height Of Buildings
12-11-4: Yards
12-11-5: Fences, Walls And Hedges
12-11-6: Water Supply And Sewage Disposal Facilities
12-11-7: Curbs And Gutters
12-11-1: USES:
   A.   Definition: When the term "other uses which the commission determines to be similar" is used, it shall mean those other uses which, in the judgment of the commission, are similar to and not more objectionable to the health, safety and general welfare than the uses listed in the same section. In no case shall a use listed in a less restricted district be permitted in a more restricted district by interpretation.
   B.   Compliance Required: It shall be unlawful for any person to erect, construct, establish, alter, enlarge, or permit to be erected, constructed, established, altered or enlarged, or to use or occupy or permit to be used or occupied, any land, building or premises for any purpose or in any manner contrary to the provisions of this title. (Ord. 410, 8-25-1986)
12-11-2: LOT AREAS:
   A.   Existing Lot: The requirements of this title as to minimum lot area shall not be construed to prevent the use for a single-family dwelling on any lot or parcel of land other than in the O and M-2 districts in the event that such lot or parcel of land was held in separate ownership at the time of adoption on March 7, 1907. (Ord. 410, 8-25-1986; amd. 2001 Code)
   B.   Joint Use Of Yard Area: No portion of any lot or parcel of land which has been designated or used as a part of a lot area or yard as required by this title shall be included as a portion of an area or yard for another building if such inclusion will reduce the lot area or yard required for the original lot or parcel of land to less than the minimum lot area or dimension of yard required for the zoning district in which such property is located.
   C.   Reduction Below Minimum Standards: No lot or parcel of land held under separate ownership at the effective date hereof, shall be reduced in any manner below the minimum lot area, size or dimensions required by this title.
   D.   Location Of Buildings: Every building hereafter erected shall be located on a "lot" as herein defined. In no case shall there be more than one main residential building and its accessory building on one lot. Dwelling groups may be considered as one main residential building.
   E.   Undedicated Street: No building permit shall be issued for a building or structure on a lot which abuts a street dedicated to a portion of its required width and located on that side thereof from which no dedication was secured, unless the yards provided on such lot include both that portion of the lot lying within the future street and the required yards.
   F.   Parking Area, Space Or Loading Area: No parking area, parking space or loading space which is provided for the purpose of complying with the provisions of this title, shall thereafter be relinquished or reduced in any manner below the requirements established in this title, unless equivalent facilities are provided elsewhere, the location of which is approved by the commission.
   G.   Residential Buildings And Uses In Commercial Or Manufacturing District: Residential buildings and uses in a commercial or manufacturing district shall maintain the area requirements of the R-M-50 district for such building or uses. (Ord. 410, 8-25-1986)
The permitted height of buildings shall be exclusive of roof structures and structures for the housing of elevators, stairways, tanks, ventilating fans or similar equipment required to operate and maintain the building, and fire or parapet walls, skylights, towers, flagpoles, chimneys, smokestacks, wireless masts or similar structures. (Ord. 410, 8-25-1986)