Utility Rules, Regulations and Rate Schedules
919.01    Electrical utilities rules and regulations.
919.02    Residential service rate schedule.
919.03    General service rate schedule.
919.04    Large power service rate schedule.
919.05    Security lighting service rate schedule.
919.06    Water service rules and regulations.
919.07    Sewer service rules and regulations.
919.08    Storm water management rules and regulations.
919.09    Cable rules and regulations.
919.10    Certifications of utility charges due to the Village of Elmore.
919.11    Water, light, power and gas charges under control of a Village Administrator.
919.12    Indemnification agreement.
919.13    Summary of the Village of Elmore services fees.
919.14    Village of Elmore utility payment plan agreement.
Appendix A Power supply cost adjustment applicable to all Village’s rate schedules.
Appendix B Kilowatt hour tax.
Appendix C Economic Development.
         Water - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 921
         Sewers - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 925
         Electricity - see S.U. & P.S. Ch. 929