A formal agreement was signed in April 2014 between American Municipal Power (AMP), the Ohio Municipal Electric Association (OMEA) and the Ohio Cable Telecommunications Association (OCTA) to provide model rate structure and policy for cable attachments to utility poles. The agreement only applies to OMEA and AMP member municipalities in Ohio.
   Pursuant to the agreement, AMP and OMEA recommend standard pole attachment rate for municipalities with fewer than 9,000 customers of eight dollars and seventy-one cents ($8.71) in 2014 escalating at two percent (2%) per annum. AMP and OMEA recommend that the members use a template agreement negotiated by AMP/OMEA and OCTA. The agreement between AMP/OMEA and OCTA runs for ten (10) years and is renewable at the end of that term with agreement from all parties.
   The template agreement as authored by the AMP/OMEA and OCTA shall be used to provide a framework for all parties to agree to a specific rate for attaching to the Village of Elmore utility poles. This agreement is available from the Village Administrator.
(Ord. 24-23. Passed 11-27-23.)