The streets shall be graded to the grades and dimensions shown on the submitted plans and profiles as approved by the Borough, and shall include the following improvements:
(a) Storm sewer inlets shall be of the type shown on the Borough Construction Standards and shall be placed at all low points along both sides of the street to insure adequate drainage, but in no instance shall the distance between inlets along the street exceed 400 feet unless approved by the Borough Engineer. Inlets at street intersections shall be placed on the tangent and not on the curved portion.
(b) Paved curbs shall be constructed on both sides of the cartway in accordance with the Borough Engineer's requirements.
(c) All streets and service roads shall be paved to the minimum width outlined in Chapter 1246, the base course and wearing surface shall be constructed in accordance with the Borough Construction Standards and all materials used shall meet the latest Pennsylvania Department of Transportation Specifications. Additional cartway widths and additional base course depths may be required as the Borough Engineer may determine to be necessary for the type of street that has been proposed.
(d) French drains shall be installed as may be determined by the Borough Engineer during construction to prevent the infiltration of water under the paved roadway.
(e) Street shoulders shall be graded for the full width of the right of way in accordance with the Borough Construction Standards, and thoroughly compacted by rolling. All shoulders and slopes shall be seeded to prevent erosion.
(f) Cul-de-sacs shall be graded and paved in accordance with Chapter 1246.
(g) All utilities crossing streets shall be installed and trenches backfilled and compacted with a granulated material, and all other utilities within the street right of way shall be installed before paving is initiated.
(h) Street signs of the type approved by the Council shall be placed at all street intersections, at a location determined by the Borough Engineer. Street names must be approved by the Lawrence County Planning Commission prior to submission of the final plan.
(i) Driveways shall be constructed to conform to the grade of the finished shoulders. All descending or ascending grades or driveways shall begin at the street right of way.
(j) Any fences, hedges, trees, shrubbery, walls, plantings or other obstruction located within the right of way of any street shall be a maximum of three feet in height. A clear sight triangle shall be maintained at every intersection.
(Ord. 2143. Passed 8-16-93.)
(a) Sidewalks, when required by the Council, shall be constructed in accordance with the Borough Engineer's requirements.
(b) Interior walkways may be required where necessary to provide access to community facilities or to provide safer circulaiton patterns.
(Ord. 2143. Passed 8-16-93.)
(a) All storm drainage facilities shall be adequately designed for the anticipated runoff when the area is fully developed, using criteria or other methods approved by the Borough Engineer and in conformity with Act 167 requirements (Storm Water Management).
(b) A complete drainage plan of the subdivision shall be submitted, including all necessary storm sewers and facilities, the design of which is based on a ten-year storm frequency, except in those areas where, in the judgment of the Borough Engineer or Council, additional design criteria are required. The drainage plan shall show the method of disposal of all storm water collected. The drainage plan shall be accompanied by design calculations.
(c) The storm drainage system shall be provided, as necessary, to:
(1) Discharge storm water into natural watercourses.
(2) Adequately drain all low points along streets.
(3) Intercept street storm water runoff at intervals related to the streets and grade of the area drained.
(4) Provide positive drainage away from sewage facilities.
(5) Handle existing off-site runoff through the subdivisions.
(6) Insure safe and proper disposal of storm water where open watercourses are planned, through adequate safety and erosion measures.
Storm water management plans shall address all State, County and local standards.
(d) Storm sewers shall be located in the street right of way or in designated drainage easements.
(e) All pipe culverts and related installations used in the construction of storm sewers shall be in accordance with standards and specifications of the Borough, County or State, as designated and approved by the Council and the Borough Engineer.
(f) Manholes and castings of the type shown on the Borough Construction Standards shall be installed at all changes in alignment and grades to facilitate the proper maintenance. Inlets may be substituted for manholes where practical.
(g) All roof drains shall be extended to the curb of the streets and connected to the storm sewer system where accessible. At no time will roof drains or foundation drains be permitted to be connected to the sanitary sewer system.
(h) Any springs encountered during construction shall be piped and connected to the storm sewer system or extended to a natural watercourse as may be approved by the Borough Engineer.
(i) Concrete headwalls and splash aprons of a type approved by the Borough Engineer shall be constructed at both ends of the pipe.
(j) Whenever construction stops or concentrates the natural flow of surface drainage in such a way as to affect adjoining properties, written approval must be obtained from the affected adjoining property owners. Where storm drainage is piped onto adjoining properties other than natural watercourses, written permission, a release of damages and right of way must be obtained from the adjoining property owners prior to the acceptance of the storm sewers by the Council. Approval of the plans of the Borough does not authorize or sanction drainage affecting adjoining properties.
(Ord. 2143. Passed 8-16-93.)
(a) Where public water supply is within 1,000 feet of the subdivision, the subdivision shall connect to such public water supply and construct a system of water mains in accordance with the standards specified by the public utility supplying water to the Borough.
(b) The developer shall supply and install all material associated with the fire hydrants as well as the hydrant themselves.
(c) Where public water is not available, the developer shall supply acceptable evidence of the availability of water the developer may be required to make one or more test wells in the area to be platted if evidence is deemed non-acceptable. Copies of well logs from said test wells which are obtained shall include the name and address of the well driller and shall be submitted, along with the plan, to the Borough.
(d) If a private water supply is permitted, individual private wells shall be located as required by the Standards of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources.
(Ord. 2143. Passed 8-16-93.)
Every lot in a subdivision shall be capable of being served by utilities, and the necessary easements shall be provided. Electric, gas and other utility distribution lines shall be installed within public rights of way or within properly designated easements. To the fullest extent possible, underground utility lines located in street rights of way shall not be installed beneath existing or proposed paved areas and, in any case, shall not be installed prior to the placement of any paving. All electric and communication lines shall be installed underground in subdivisions initially containing ten or more lots, or in subdivisions in which expansion to ten or more lots is possible.
(Ord. 2143. Passed 8-16-93.)