Where fuel oil is stored in outdoor storage tanks such tanks shall be of 275-gallon capacity, properly vented and approved by Underwriters' Laboratories, Inc. In addition, such tanks shall be supported by a concrete base and screened from the view of persons in surrounding mobile home spaces.
(Ord. 70-6. Passed 4-7-70.)
(Ord. 70-6. Passed 4-7-70.)
Signs within a mobile home park shall be limited to a nameplate not more than one square foot in area attached to each mobile home, necessary traffic control signs and directional signs indicating the location of utility buildings, including the management office, parking areas and common recreation areas.
(Ord. 70-6. Passed 4-7-70.)
(Ord. 70-6. Passed 4-7-70.)
No conditional use permit for a mobile home park shall be issued to any person, firm or corporation until plans have been submitted and approved by the Appeals Board and the plat recorded, all in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Planning and Zoning Code.
(Ord. 70-6. Passed 4-7-70.)