General Provisions
50.001 Damaging or destroying sewer or water utility facilities
Sewer Use Regulations
50.020 Definitions
50.021 Connection with sewer system required
50.022 Sewer taps to be made only by city
50.023 Connection to sewer required for new premises
50.024 Toilet facilities required
50.025 Costs borne by owner
50.026 Private sewage disposal prohibited
50.027 Unsanitary discharges
50.028 Prohibited discharges
50.029 Amendment of regulations
50.030 Effective date for charges
50.031 All customers metered; no free service
Purchase and Use of Water
50.045 Definitions
50.046 Application for water service
50.047 Water service line installation
50.048 Purchase of water; shortage
50.049 Ownership of lines and meters
50.050 Prohibitions and conditions of use
50.051 Billing procedures
50.052 Meter installation; testing; accuracy
50.053 Service interruptions
50.054 Inspection by city employees
50.055 Customer responsibilities
50.056 Liability of customer
50.057 Water to be used for domestic consumption only
50.058 Easements to be granted to city
50.059 Water for special purposes
50.060 Line extensions
50.061 City may refuse service
50.062 Complaints
50.063 Statutes incorporated by reference
50.064 Restrictions on amendments
Water and Sewer Rates and Charges
50.080 Water and sewer rates
50.081 Water and sewer connection charges
50.082 Billing and collection procedures
50.083 Disconnections and reconnections; service charge
Delinquency Procedures
50.100 Customer-disputed billing
50.101 Termination of utility service
50.102 Summary turn-off; when permitted
50.103 Reinstatement of utility service
50.999 Penalty
No person shall intentionally or wantonly break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface, or tamper with any structure, appurtenance, or equipment which is a part of the sewer or water utility facilities. Any person violating this provision shall be subject to immediate arrest under a charge of criminal mischief.
Penalty, see § 50.999
Statutory reference:
Criminal mischief, see KRS 512.020 through 512.040
For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
AVAILABLE. The sewer system shall be considered AVAILABLE to any premises which abut upon any street, road, alley, public or private way, or easement in which there exists a sewer pipe, main, lateral, or other structure or installation of the municipal sanitary sewer system to be constructed by the city, capable of receiving flowable wastes, in which the city has brought a sewer line to a point located at the edge of the property line or easement of the owner of the premises.
CITY. The City of Earlington, Kentucky, and, where the context so indicates, actions on its behalf by the City Council, or any other body as shall be vested with authority over the municipal sewer system of the city.
PREMISES. All structures and improvements having flowable sewage wastes which should be drained, treated, or disposed of in the interest of the public health, safety, and general welfare, and specifically includes, but not by way of limiting the generality of the foregoing: all homes; houses; apartments; hotels; motels; trailer camps; manufacturing, business, commercial, or industrial establishments; and other structures of any and every nature whatsoever.
SEWER SYSTEM or SEWERS. The City of Earlington municipal sewer system which now provides, or as may hereafter provide, for the drainage, treatment, and disposal of liquid or flowable sewage wastes.
(Ord. 5-25-64-2, passed 5-25-1964)