Tractors or other machinery moving on caterpillar wheels or having heavy lugs shall not be permitted to be moved over any of the streets without first securing a route from the city manager and it shall be unlawful to move such vehicle over any street other than shown in such routing instructions. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
A. For purposes of this section a "marked highway" shall mean: Highway 20, Highway 151, Highway 61, the Northwest Arterial, the Southwest Arterial, Kerper Boulevard, Seippel Road, and Chavenelle Road.
B. Motor trucks registered for a gross weight limit exceeding ten thousand (10,000) pounds (5 tons) must travel over marked highways when operating in the city and may not depart from such marked highways, except that any motor truck whose destination is in the city may depart from such highway at that point on the highway nearest to its destination and then proceed directly to such destination.
C. Motor trucks whose trips originate within the city must travel by the most direct route to that point on a marked highway nearest to such point of origin.
D. Motor trucks entering the city on an unmarked highway must proceed to the nearest marked highway by the most direct route and then proceed to their destination.
E. Motor trucks registered for a gross weight limit exceeding ten thousand (10,000) pounds (5 tons) must not travel over the following streets:
Ice Harbor Drive, from 1st Street to the 3rd Street Overpass.
Main Street, from 5th Street to 9th Street.
F. Motor trucks originating in Dubuque County or with a destination located in Dubuque County shall be authorized to drive on Central Avenue and White Street.
G. The city manager is authorized to designate and establish by appropriate signs alternate motor truck routes and to post signs limiting motor trucks registered with a gross weight limit exceeding ten thousand (10,000) pounds (5 tons) from operating on nonhighway streets and the streets designated in subsection D of this section.
H. The provisions of this section governing the travel of motor trucks on residential streets do not apply to public or private carriers of passengers on tour, fixed demand response, or dial-a-ride routes or school or church buses.
I. The scheduled fine for a violation of this section is fifty dollars ($50.00). (Ord. 19-13, 4-1-2013; amd. Ord. 30-20, 8-3-2020; Ord. 1-23, 1-3-2023; Ord. 55-23, 12-18-2023)
A. When signs are erected giving notice thereof, no person shall operate a vehicle exceeding the posted gross vehicle weight limits on, or over the following bridges:
10 tons | Louise Lane Bridge |
12 tons | Brunskill Road Bridge |
20 tons | Cousins Road Bridge |
B. This section shall not apply to implements of husbandry or to implements of husbandry loaded on hauling units for transporting the implements to locations for purposes of repair.
C. A person who violates this section shall, upon conviction or a guilty plea, be subject to a fine determined by dividing the difference between the actual weight of the vehicle and the maximum weight allowed by this section by one hundred (100) and multiplying the quotient by two dollars ($2.00). (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)
Whenever a peace officer has reasonable cause to believe that a person has violated any provisions of this title, such officer may:
A. Immediately arrest such person; or
B. Without arresting the person, prepare in triplicate a written summons to appear in court containing the name and address of such person, the operator's or chauffeur's license number, if any, the registration number, if any, of such person's vehicle, the offense charged, and the time when and the place where such person shall appear in court. (Ord. 44-08, 6-16-2008)