A. Composition, Terms Of Office, Compensation:
1. There is hereby created a planning and zoning board for the city of Drumright which shall consist of five (5) members as follows: one member shall be a member of the city commission who shall be appointed for his or her term of office as a city commissioner, one member shall be the city manager, one member shall be the chief building official/code enforcement officer, one member shall be the chief of police and one member shall be any qualified citizen who is a resident of the city. The mayor shall appoint the city commissioner and the resident citizen and they shall be approved by a majority vote of the city commission.
2. The members shall serve without compensation except for reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
3. The citizen resident shall be appointed for a term of two (2) years, concurrent with the term of the mayor. The city manager, chief building official/code enforcement officer and police chief shall be permanent members by virtue of their positions and shall cease to serve upon relinquishment of their positions. As stated above, the city commissioner shall serve during the term of his or her office. (Ord. 281, 11-8-2010)
A. Officers: The city commission member appointed to the planning and zoning board shall serve as chairman. The resident citizen shall serve as vice chairman. The city clerk shall be the secretary of the board but shall not be a voting member of the board.
B. Rules Of Procedure: The board shall generally follow the procedures prescribed by "Robert's Rules Of Order", but may make exceptions thereto. All votes shall be recorded individually by "yeas" having an affirmative meaning and "nays" having a negative meaning. All votes shall require a majority affirmative vote of those present and voting for adoption.
C. Quorum: In order to conduct any business, a quorum or three (3) members must be present at a meeting.
D. Authority: The planning and zoning board may consider and investigate any matter pertaining to the development and betterment of the city but its sole power is to make recommendations to the city commission concerning the advisability of adopting any zoning change, plat map adoption, new street construction, street names on new streets, and similar things. (Ord. 281, 11-8-2010)