7-9-010: Findings
7-9-020: Definitions
7-9-030: Master Plan
7-9-040: New Subdivisions
7-9-050: Approval
7-9-060: Operation
7-9-070: Existing Subdivisions Without Secondary Water
7-9-080: Maintenance
7-9-090: Unauthorized Connections
7-9-100: Tampering With Secondary Water System
7-9-110: Appeal
7-9-010: FINDINGS:
The city council of Draper City hereby finds and determines that the health, safety, welfare, and convenience of the citizens of Draper City, requires the operation of a secondary water system within the city at economical rates for the purpose of providing outside watering and irrigation for properties located within the boundaries of Draper City. The demand for culinary water to serve the growing population and business demands within Draper City is steadily increasing and current sources of culinary water will not be able to meet the requirements from such growth over time, resulting in increased expenses and costs for water for the general population. As water treatment costs increase and water sources become more scarce, the cost of culinary water will increase. As the city expands, current culinary water sources will become more stressed and limited during peak periods of use. The city intends to acquire, operate, and maintain a culinary water distribution system throughout the city and the ability of the city to accomplish this will be negatively impacted if savings cannot be obtained through use of secondary water for outside watering instead of treated water. Usage of secondary water will, over time, enable the culinary water distribution system planned by the city to meet expected demands for extended periods of time and before system replacement will be necessary. The city council further finds that utilizing treated culinary water for outside watering and irrigation purposes is not economical. A piped, pressurized secondary water system will inure to the benefit of the citizens of Draper City by reducing water loss through seepage, reducing disturbance to property by reason of loss through seepage, reducing disturbance to property by reason of flooding, promoting the welfare and safety of the residents of the city, including children by eventually eliminating open irrigation ditches which will also conserve water resources and enhance the beauty of the city. At the present time, the Draper Irrigation Company owns and operates a secondary water system within the city. The city reserves the right to hereafter acquire and/or operate a secondary system within the city. The city council further finds that it is reasonable and desirable that new subdivisions constructed in Draper City be required to install secondary water system facilities within the boundaries of the subdivision in order to ensure that future secondary water service will be available to the residents of such subdivision. (1994 Code)
CITY: Draper City.
COMPANY: Draper Irrigation Company.
LOCAL SYSTEM: Refers to any pipes or system of pipes installed for the purpose of serving any subdivision or parcels of property located within the city which are under private ownership.
MASTER PLAN: The master plan of any secondary water system operating within Draper City for the purpose of providing secondary water service to all or a portion of the properties located within the city.
SECONDARY WATER: Water which is suitable for irrigation and other nonculinary purposes not in violation of any applicable statutes, ordinances, or other laws, rules and regulations.
SUBDIVIDER: Any person or entity who divides a tract of land into two (2) or more parcels for sale or use as residential property.
SUBDIVISION: A tract of land divided by a subdivider into any lot or lots or tract or real property on which any building is or will be built.
USER: Any person or entity who utilizes secondary water for any purpose within the city. (1994 Code)
7-9-030: MASTER PLAN:
The master plan and related maps and specifications for any secondary water system operating with the city shall be filed with the city engineer, and updated not less than annually to outline any secondary water distribution system and local systems within the city. (1994 Code)