CITY: Draper City.
COMPANY: Draper Irrigation Company.
LOCAL SYSTEM: Refers to any pipes or system of pipes installed for the purpose of serving any subdivision or parcels of property located within the city which are under private ownership.
MASTER PLAN: The master plan of any secondary water system operating within Draper City for the purpose of providing secondary water service to all or a portion of the properties located within the city.
SECONDARY WATER: Water which is suitable for irrigation and other nonculinary purposes not in violation of any applicable statutes, ordinances, or other laws, rules and regulations.
SUBDIVIDER: Any person or entity who divides a tract of land into two (2) or more parcels for sale or use as residential property.
SUBDIVISION: A tract of land divided by a subdivider into any lot or lots or tract or real property on which any building is or will be built.
USER: Any person or entity who utilizes secondary water for any purpose within the city. (1994 Code)