§ 24-307.   Tax for Licenses.
   1.   Tax for Operator's License. No license shall be issued to an operator until an annual tax therefor shall have been paid to the Secretary-Treasurer of Dover Township in the sum of $25 for each juke box and $100 for each gaming device so installed and used, under the terms of this Part, in the Township of Dover, which amount paid as aforesaid shall be a license fee.
   2.   Tax for Distributor's License. No license shall be issued to a distributor until an annual tax therefore shall have been paid to the Secretary-Treasurer of Dover Township in the sum of $100.
(Ord. 91-1, 9/9/1991, § 11.52)
§ 24-308.   Issuance of Operator's License; Display to Machine.
   Upon payment of the tax imposed in this Part, the Township shall furnish to the person(s) paying such tax a receipt showing machines or juke boxes or both upon which said person(s) has paid a tax, which said receipt shall be prominently displayed by such person(s) on or adjacent to the gaming devices or juke boxes, upon which such tax has been paid.
(Ord. 91-1, 9/9/1991, § 11.53)
§ 24-309.   Loss, Defacement or Destruction of License.
   In the case of loss, defacement, or destruction of any original receipt, license, certificate, or seal, the person(s) to whom such receipt, license, certificate, or seal was issued shall apply to the Township, who may issue a replacement thereof upon the payment of a fee in an amount as established from time to time by resolution of the Board of Supervisors and who shall amend the duplicate of same aforesaid of the first receipt issued in case that a new receipt has been issued.
(Ord. 91-1, 9/9/1991, § 11.54; as amended by Ord. 2005-08, 10/24/2005)