1. After final preliminary plan approval and upon the completion of all required improvements, the applicant shall submit an as-built plan prepared by a professional engineer or professional land surveyor. Said plan shall indicate that the constructed improvements are in conformance with the previously approved drawings and specifications. Said plan shall also note any and all deviations from the previously approved drawings and specifications. The plans, if prepared electronically, shall be so developed to be transmittable in a format compatible with the Township GIS system the owner shall provide a shape file, NAD 1983 datum Southcentral Pennsylvania, and a .PDF or .TIFF file. Also, one reproducible and two copies of the as-built plan shall be filed with the Township.
2. The as-built plan set shall include an overall site plan and shall be drawn to the same scale as the final plan, certified to by the designer of the plan, and approved by the Township Engineer. Said plan shall indicate the actual location, dimensions, type of material and elevations of all completed improvements, including but not limited to:
A. Concrete monuments and other survey markers.
B. The edge of the cartway and top of the curb for both sides of each street.
C. Sanitary sewer mains, manholes and laterals (manhole inlet, outlet and top elevations).
D. Storm sewers, inlets and culverts.
E. Water mains, valves, fire hydrants and appurtenances.
F. Street lights.
G. Permanent sedimentation, erosion control and stormwater management structures and stormwater BMP’s.
H. All easements.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 1203)