1. Species selection shall be based upon the existing site conditions including the site geology, hydrology, soils and microclimate, as well as functional considerations of screening, energy conservation and architectural compatibility.
2. The following is a recommended list of street trees for use in Dover Township. The use of Pennsylvania native trees is encouraged. However, the Township may permit other planting types if they are hardy to the area, are not subject to blight or disease and are of the same general character and growth habit as those listed below. Street trees shall have a minimum 2½ inch caliper.
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Acer rubrum | Red Maple |
Fraxinus Pennsylvania - “Mar shall’s Seedless” | Marshall’s Seedless Green Ash |
Pyrus calleryana - “Aristocrat” | Aristocrat Pear |
Quercus borealis | Northern Red Oak |
Tilia Tomentosa | Sulver Linden |
Tilia cordata | Silver Linden |
Zelkova serrata | Japanese Zelkova |
3. The following is a recommended list of street trees for use within areas limited in space by overhead power lines and sidewalks:
Scientific Name | Common Name |
Acer campestre | Hedge Maple |
Crataequs crusqalli inermis | Thornless Cockspur Hawthorn |
Crataequs x lavallei | Lavalle Hawthorn |
Malus - “Centurion” | Centurion Crabapple |
Malus - “Harvest Gold” | Harvest Gold Crabapple |
Malus x zumi - “Calocarpa” | Redbud Crabapple |
4. In no circumstances will any of the following trees be permitted to be planted as street trees:
Poplars - all varieties. |
Willows - all varieties. |
White or Silver Maple (Acer saccharinum). |
Aspen - all varieties. |
Common Black Locust. |
Callery Pear. |
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 1105)