1. Purpose. In order to provide the Board of Township Supervisors with an opportunity to more effectively evaluate subdivision and/or land development proposals, the applicant shall be required to disclose the environmental consequences or effects of such proposals through the submission of an environmental impact assessment (EIA) report form.
2. When Required. An EIA report shall be submitted with the preliminary plan for subdivisions and land developments which meet the following criteria:
A. Residential. Involving 25 or more dwelling units.
B. Nonresidential. Involving 25,000 or more square feet of impervious surface.
C. Development tract contains a portion or is within 200 feet of the Environmentally Sensitive Area Overlay District.
D. Other. Whenever the Planning Commission or Board of Township Supervisors shall find that there is reasonable grounds to believe that an adverse environmental impact is likely to result from the proposed subdivision or land development.
3. By Whom Prepared. The report shall be prepared by an independent qualified consultant. The consultant should be from a firm that is not involved with the design of the proposed improvements. The report preparer shall have sufficient, documented prior environmental study experience to qualify him to perform the report and render any opinions and recommendations set forth therein. The cost to prepare the report will be borne entirely by the developer. The EIA report shall be certified, by statement and signature, as correct by the preparer.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 720)