§ 22-716.   Utility Easements.
   1.   Width and Location. When easements are required for any utility serving a subdivision or land development, they must be a minimum of 20 feet wide per utility and must, to the fullest extent possible, be adjacent to, or centered on, rear or side lot lines. Where more than one utility is to be placed within a common right-of-way, the width shall be determined by the Township Engineer.
   2.   Natural Gas Lines. All natural gas lines must be installed in compliance with the ASA Code B31, 80 1958, as amended. The minimum distance from a natural gas line to a dwelling unit or other structure must be as required by the applicable transmission or distributing company.
   3.   Petroleum Lines. Between a proposed dwelling unit or other structure and the center line of a petroleum or petroleum products transmission line which may traverse the subdivision or land development, there must be a minimum distance of 100 feet measured in the shortest distance.
   4.   To ensure that easements and rights-of-way are kept clear of obstructions, the following note shall be added to all plans that contain easements and/or rights-of-way:
      “The owner shall not construct, plant or maintain any structures, fences, trees, shrubbery, etc., within the sanitary sewer, stormwater or utility right-of- way/easement in order to ensure a free and clear access to all facilities. Bituminous paving, commingling of sanitary sewer, stormwater or utilities, or a change in ground contours within the right-of-way/easement will be permitted only with written consent of the Township.”
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 716)