§ 22-403.   Step 2: Locations for Dwelling Units.
   Dwelling units shall be tentatively located, using the proposed open space area and greenway land from Step 1 as reference and orientation as well as other relevant data on the ER/SA plan. Dwelling units shall be sited to:
      A.   Fit the tract’s natural topography.
      B.   Be served by adequate water and sewerage facilities.
      C.   Provide views of and access to adjoining greenway land.
      D.   Avoid encroaching upon greenway land in a manner visually intrusive to users of such areas.
      E.   Be located at least 100 feet from environmentally sensitive areas and 50 feet from open space area and greenway land.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 403)