1. Any subdivision or land development which contains no more than five lots or prospective dwelling units, may be reviewed and acted upon as a Final plan without the necessity of a prior preliminary plan approval.
2. Such determination shall be made by the Township staff based upon the following considerations:
A. The proposed subdivision or land development does not involve site and related improvements to the extent that a detailed review by the Township necessitates initial processing as a preliminary plan.
B. The proposed subdivision or land development complies with the applicable provisions of this Chapter.
C. After one minor subdivision has taken place within any given tract, the applicant shall be required to submit a complete preliminary plan for the entire tract on the next subsequent application, unless the size, frequency and interrela tionship of the prior subdivision clearly does not warrant such as determined by the Board of Township Supervisors.
(Ord. 2011-05, 3/14/2011, § 304)