In order to further prevent the likelihood of identity theft occurring with respect to utility accounts, the Township will take the following steps with respect to its internal operating procedures to protect customer-identifying information:
A. Ensure complete and secure destruction of customer information, if applicable.
B. Employees will not leave sensitive papers out on their desks when they are away from their workstations.
C. Employees will log off their computers when leaving for the day.
D. Passwords will not be shared or posted near workstations.
E. No visitor will be give access keys or allowed unescorted access to the Township offices.
F. When installing new software, immediately change vendor-supplied default passwords to a more secure strong password.
G. Anti-virus programs will be run on individual computers.
H. New and existing employees will sign a confidentiality agreement.
I. Issue visitor badges for all outside vendors, visitors, etc.
(Ord. 2009-02, 3/23/2009, §VII)