1. The person sponsoring a parade or public assembly shall be responsible for the prompt and orderly removal of any signs, booths, barricades and any other articles erected by the applicant or used in connection with the parade or public assembly and any trash generated by the parade or public assembly participants. Should it be necessary for the Township for any reason to expend its owns funds or manpower or use its equipment to disassemble or remove debris created by the parade or public assembly participants, then the person sponsoring the parade or public assembly shall within 30 days of the receipt of an invoice for the same reimburse the Township for said expenditures. If the person sponsoring the parade or public assembly fails to reimburse the Township for the costs incurred by the Township, the Township can deny any subsequent applications for permits for parades or public assemblies filed on behalf of or by said person until said costs are paid. Additionally, the Township can lien any property owned by the person sponsoring the parade or public assembly located within the Township for the costs incurred by the Township.
2. The parade or public assembly will comply with any and all Township rules and regulations relating to the use of Township public property or streets.
3. The permit shall include any other conditions necessary to ensure compliance with the requirements set forth in § 13-406 above.
(Ord. 2011-08, 8/22/2011, § 7)