EDITOR'S NOTE: The Deer Park Charter was approved by the electors on November 3, 2020, effective December 1, 2021. Dates appearing in parentheses at the end of a section heading indicate those provisions were subsequently adopted or amended on the date given.
Section 1. Powers of Council.
Section 2. Qualifications.
Section 3. Number , Election and Term.
Section 4. Meetings of Council.
Section 5. Quorum and Voting.
Section 6 Subpoenas.
Section 7. Salaries.
Section 1. Qualifications.
Section 2. Election and Term.
Section 3. Powers and Duties of the Mayor.
Section 4. Vice Mayor. (11-8-22)
Section 5. Salary.
Section 1. Action of Council.
Section 2. Introduction of Ordinances and Resolutions.
Section 3. Adoption of Ordinances by Reference.
Section 4. Passage of Ordinances and Resolutions.
Section 5. Emergency Ordinances. (11-8-22)
Section 6. Effective Date.
Section 7. Publication.
Section 1. Appointment.
Section 2. Qualifications.
Section 3. Powers and Duties.
Section 4. Interference by Council or Mayor.
Section 5. Salary.
Section 6. Removal.
Section 1. Solicitor. (11-8-22)
Section 2. Clerk of Council.
Section 3. Finance Director.
Section 4. Compensation.
Section 1. Fiscal Year.
Section 2. Taxes.
Section 3. Budget.
Section 4. Appropriation.
Section 5. Audits.
Section 1. Purchases.
Section 2. Contracts.
Section 3. Contracts for Professional Services.
Section 4. Contracts for Public Services.
Section 5. Contracts for Professional and Construction Services.
Section 6. Borrowing.
Section 7. Investment Board.
Section 8. Purchase and Sale of Real and Personal Property.
Section 1. Creation of Departments.
Section 2. Direction of Manager.
Section 1. Merit System. (11-8-22)
Section 2. Members.
Section 3. Duties.
Section 4. Classification of Service.
Section 5. Examination by Another Municipality.
Section 1. Establishment.
Section 2. The Petition.
Section 3. The Initiative.
Section 4. The Referendum.
Section 1. Removal.
Section 2. Vacancy.
Section 1. Municipal Elections.
Section 2. Conduct of Elections.
Section 3. Nominations.
Sectino 4. Ballots.
Section 5. Who Elected.
Section 6. Plurality, Tie Votes.
Section 7. Public Information on Issues.
Section 8. Recall.
Section 1. Oath of Office.
Section 2. Official Bond.
Section 3. Personal Interest.
Section 4. General Law.
Section 1. Effective Date and Duration.
Section 2. Effect on Present Offices.
Section 3. Effect on Present Ordinances, Rules and Regulations.
Section 4. Effect on Present Contracts.
The present Municipality known as the City of Deer Park, Ohio, shall continue to be a body politic and corporate under the name of the City of Deer Park. The boundaries of the Municipality shall be those existing at the time of the adoption of this Charter, subject to change by annexation or other manner authorized by general law.
To the extent not expressly prescribed by this Charter, all powers of local self-government now or hereafter granted by the Constitution and laws of the State of Ohio to municipal corporations shall be exercised as Council may determine. In the absence of an express Charter provision or a determination by Council, then such powers of local self-government may be exercised in accordance with general law.