The Council shall declare vacant the seat of any elected official who shall cease to be a resident of Municipality. Council may also declare vacant the seat of any elected official who persistently fails to abide by the rules of the Council or who is otherwise guilty of misconduct affecting performance of his or her duties. Declaring a vacancy shall be taken only upon the concurrence of five members of Council at a regular meeting of Council after service of notice upon such of such proposed action at least seventy-two hours in advance of such meeting. Council shall provide an opportunity to any elected official subject to removal to present a public defense at the meeting of Council.
Any vacancy by an elected official shall be filled by special election within sixty days of the vacancy occurring. The Vice Mayor shall serve as Acting Mayor in case of vacancy until the vacancy is filled by special election. If a seat on the Council becomes vacant, the Council may fill the vacancy by a vote of the majority of the remaining members, and such person so chosen shall serve until the vacancy is filled by special election or the next general election if the new member's predecessor served at least two years.
A regular municipal election shall be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in the odd numbered years. This shall be known as the municipal election. The Council may, by resolution, order a special election at any time, the purpose of which shall be set forth in the resolution. All municipal elections shall be non-partisan.