PUD Planned Unit Development District
1135.01   Purpose.
1135.02   Plan submission.
1135.03   Conditions for compliance.
1135.04   Development procedures.
1135.05   Development criteria.
1135.06   Area and density regulations.
1135.07   Peripheral setbacks.
1135.08   Required open spaces.
1135.09   Planned unit development review procedure.
1135.10   Application and approval review stages.
1135.11   Council action.
1135.12   Concept plan (stage one).
1135.13   Preliminary development plan (stage two).
1135.14   Final development plan (stage three).
1135.15   PUD permit criteria.
1135.16   Limitation on re-submission.
1135.17   Compliance with approved plan.
1135.18   PUD permit revocation.