The various area, yard and height regulations of a Planned Unit Development are defined and set forth as follows:
   (a)   Planned Unit Development Area Qualification. The minimum area to qualify as a Planned Unit Development area shall not be less than three contiguous acres. A parcel or parcels of land with less acreage may be considered for planned development when it is demonstrated that such smaller area has a unique feature of geography, topography or other development aspect which is determined to be appropriate for such district designation. However, contiguous property of less than three acres may be added to a previously established Planned Unit Development without any demonstrated basis.
   (b)   Project Area. The project area that will be used to determine the permitted number of units shall include all of the area within the Planned Unit Development minus land located in an easement, land located within a floodway, land allocated for public right-of-ways, and any additional land which the Planning and Zoning Commission sees as being undevelopable.
   (c)   Development Densities. The maximum density of a development shall be determined by dividing the project area, as defined in division (b) of this section, by the minimum lot area required by the underlying zoning. Where the Planned Unit Development lies over multiple zoning districts, the number of allowable units must be calculated separately for each of the separate zoning districts.
   (d)   Lot Area. When a developer demonstrates that it is necessary to use lots that contain less than the minimum lot area or have less than the minimum lot width required in the underlying zoning district, because either one of the following conditions exist:
      (1)   Such use will create a distinctive residential setting that is in harmony with the character of the surrounding developments; or
      (2)   The land to be developed is of a unique or unusual geographical or topographical condition that restricts the use of lots meeting the minimum lot area or lot width requirement; then the Planning and Zoning Commission may approve such uses.
   (e)   Standards for an Increase in Density. The Planning and Zoning Commission may recommend authorization of an increase in the density of a Planned Unit Development under the following standards:
      (1)   For undeveloped green space above the minimum amount required, a maximum increase of 5%.
      (2)   For improved green space or recreational space above the minimum amount required, a maximum increase of 10%.
      (3)   For distinctiveness and excellence in siting, design and landscaping, a maximum increase of 10%.
      (4)   At the discretion of the Planning and Zoning Commission and based upon the conditions set forth in this subsection, project density may be increased up to the a maximum amount of 25% of the underlying maximum density figure.
   (f)   Controls on Density Increase. If the Planning and Zoning Commission finds that any of the following conditions would be created by an increase in density permitted in division (e) of this section, it may then use either of the provisions listed in subsection (g) of this section:
      (1)   Inconvenient or unsafe access to the Planned Unit Development;
      (2)   Traffic congestion in the streets which adjoin the Planned Unit Development; or
      (3)   An excessive burden on parks, recreational areas, schools and other public facilities that serve or are proposed to serve the Planned Unit Development.
   (g)   The Planning and Zoning Commission may use either of the following provisions in order to control the conditions specified in division (e) of this subsection:
      (1)   Prohibit any increase in density; or
      (2)   Limit the increase in density by an amount which is sufficient to avoid the creation of any of these conditions.
   (h)   Minimum Dwelling Size. No reduction in the minimum dwelling size shall be permitted.