A Planned Unit Development permit may be granted by Council only if it is found that the development conforms to all of the following criteria provided for in this Chapter:
   (a)   That the location, design, size and uses are consistent with the Deer Park Zoning Map, and with other applicable plans or development plans adopted by the Planning and Zoning Commission or Council, or ordinance adopted by Council.
   (b)   That the location, design and size are such that the development can be well integrated with its surroundings.
   (c)   That the location, design and size are such that traffic generated by the development can be accommodated safely and without congestion on existing or planned arterial or collector streets.
   (d)   That the location, design, size and uses are such that residents will be adequately served by existing or planned facilities and services, and the total development will result in an attractive, healthful, efficient and stable environment for living.