It shall be the duty of the Planning and Zoning Commission to investigate and determine that the proposed development plan complies with the following conditions:
   (a)   General Intent. The plan is consistent with the intent and purpose of this Zoning Code and the Deer Park Comprehensive Plan.
   (b)   Adjacent Effect. The property adjacent to the area included in the plan will not be adversely affected.
   (c)   Lot Area Regulations. The minimum lot area contained in the development, exclusive of the area of dedicated streets and rights of way, will not be less than the lot area required in the district(s) in which the site is located. The number of dwelling units per structure may vary where found to be appropriate.
   (d)   Mixed Use Development. A plan for a mixture of uses (residential, commercial, office, institutional, etc.) may be approved if the Planning and Zoning Commission finds that the mixture of uses can be appropriately combined within the design     of the plan and that the combination of uses is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. The applicant must identify the use of each area and the zoning district designated (i.e. R-1, MUB, PO, etc.) that is the governing underlying zoning district. No use may be permitted that is not identified as a permitted use within the zoning classification for the land use being requested.
   (e)   Off-Street Parking. There are to be provided off-street parking facilities in accordance with the requirements of the Off-Street Parking and Loading Regulations chapter.
   (f)   Recreation. Indoor and/or outdoor recreation areas and facilities are provided for and commensurate with the needs generated by the project.