General Provisions
   154.001   Short title
   154.002   Purpose
   154.003   Application
   154.004   Definitions
Procedures for Submission, Review and Approval of Subdivision
   154.015   Application
   154.016   Sketch plan
   154.017   Primary plat
   154.018   Secondary plat
   154.019   Final plat
   154.020   Bonding procedure and final plat approval
   154.021   Recording of final plat and covenants
Related Procedures
   154.035   Resubdivision plats
   154.036   Withdrawal of approval
   154.037   Expiration of approval
   154.038   Dedication and reservation of land for park and recreation purposes
Sketch Plan Requirements
   154.050   Information
Primary Plat Requirements
   154.065   Primary plat content
   154.066   Primary plat plan statement
   154.067   Preliminary site drawing
   154.068   Primary plat
   154.069   Preliminary cross-section plan
Secondary Plat Requirements
   154.080   Plan requirements
Final Plat Requirements
   154.095   Drawing and information requirements
   154.096   Supplementary material
   154.097   Final plat sections
Improvements Required
   154.110   Improvements to conform to requirements of chapter
   154.111   Ingress/egress requirements
   154.112   Street grading and surfacing
   154.113   Curbs, gutters and sidewalks
   154.114   Water supply and sewage disposal
   154.115   Storm drainage
   154.116   Street signs
   154.117   Street lighting
   154.118   Monuments
   154.119   Revegetation and landscaping
   154.120   Floodplains and other hazards
   154.121   Fire protection
   154.122   Parks and public areas
   154.123   Offer of dedication
Design Standards
   154.135   General standards
   154.136   Streets
   154.137   Street names
   154.138   Sidewalks, curbs and gutters
   154.139   Blocks
   154.140   Lots
   154.141   Easements
   154.142   Building setback lines
   154.143   Monuments and line markers
   154.144   Park principles and standards
   154.145   Fee in lieu of land dedication
   154.146   Limitation on park
Improvement Inspections
   154.160   Inspections
   154.161   Notification
   154.175   Certificate forms
Minimum Standards for Road and Street Construction
   154.190   Classification system
   154.191   General requirements
   154.205   Violations designated
   154.999   Penalty