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   (a)   Creation; membership; appointment. There is hereby created the city plan and zoning commission which consists of 15 members. Each city council member shall appoint one member to the board. The chair shall be appointed by the mayor and the vice-chair shall be appointed by the city council. Members serve for two-year terms beginning on October 1 of odd-numbered years and serve until their successors are appointed and qualified. Members must possess the same qualifications and are subject to the same disqualifications as members of the city council. A vacancy occurring during the unexpired term of a member will be filled in the same manner as the original appointment was made.
   (b)   Quorum and voting. All cases heard by the commission must be heard by a minimum number equal to a quorum of the membership. A simple majority of the membership of the commission, less any unfilled vacancies, constitutes a quorum. Except as otherwise required by state law, the number of votes necessary to decide a matter is a simple majority of the members present.
   (c)   Powers and duties. The commission has the following powers and duties:
      (1)   To serve as an advisory body to the city council concerning amendments to the zoning ordinance and the granting or denial of specific use permits.
      (2)   To administer the provisions of state law, regarding the platting and recording of subdivisions and additions, and to require the owners and developers of land who desire to plat or replat land for urban development to:
         (A)   dedicate streets, alleys, parks, easements or other public places of adequate dimensions;
         (B)   coordinate street layouts and street planning with the city and with the county, state and federally designated highways; and
         (C)   provide for building setback lines.
      (3)   To consider the character of development or land use contemplated by proposed platting and zoning of property, and to require off-street parking and streets and alleys of adequate dimensions.
      (4)   To advise and make recommendations on the comprehensive plan and its implementation as may be requested by the city council or city manager.
      (5)   To advertise and hold public hearings on zoning or changes in zoning.
      (6)   To exercise all other responsibilities as may be provided by applicable law.
   (d)   Meetings, records and rules.
      (1)   All meetings and hearings of the commission must be open to the public in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Chapter 551.
      (2)   All records of the commission are public records open to inspection at reasonable times and upon reasonable notice in accordance with the Texas Public Information Act, Texas Government Code Section 552.
      (3)   The commission shall adopt, subject to approval of city council, rules, not inconsistent with state law or city ordinances, governing its proceedings.
   (e)   Effect of decisions. Actions taken or recommendations made by the commission are not binding upon the city council and the city council may decide a matter contrary to the recommendations or actions of the commission. (Ord. Nos. 19455; 21153; 24843; 27892)