The licensee shall prominently and conspicuously post for display in a public area inside the boarding home facility that is readily available to residents, the operator, employees, and visitors the following:
(1) The license issued under this chapter to operate the boarding home facility. The license must be presented upon request to the director or to a peace officer for examination.
(2) A sign prescribed by the director specifying how complaints may be registered with the city.
(3) A notice in a form prescribed by the director stating that inspection reports are available at the facility for public inspection and providing a telephone number that may be used to obtain information concerning the facility. The licensee shall redact inspection reports where necessary to protect residents' privacy.
(4) A copy of the most recent inspection report relating to the facility by the city or a concise and accurate summary of that inspection report. The licensee shall redact inspection reports where necessary to protect residents' privacy.
(5) A notice in a form prescribed by the director that lists the name, location, and contact information for:
(A) the North Texas Behavioral Health Authority and the closest local public health services agency in the proximity of the facility; and
(B) a local organization or entity that represents, advocates, or serves elderly persons or persons with disabilities, including any related toll-free contact information for reporting emergencies to the organization or entity.